Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm Just Saying! (Money)

Why are you crying "broke" but just brought you a pair of $200 shoes and your child support payment is 2 month behind?  

Why are you on some quick rich scheme trying to sell no good used mp3 players will not make you rich.  Will get you beat up but will not make you rich.

You driving a 1998 cutlass with spinning wheels and a nice sound system, draped in "Gold 4 Ya Mouf" jewelry but can't read and write nor can you talk. 

You can go to the club and party hardy spending big bucks on friends but can't put a dollar in the offering plate at church.

You rather spend money on clothes than to take your trifling behind to Laundromat to wash your clothes.

You will purchase your tobacco products instead of purchasing life insurance.

You spend your paycheck two weeks before you receive it because you blew your last pay check trying to impress your new "boo".

You will take money from your kids piggy bank for gas because you gave your money to that no good man you want to keep around.

You spent $5000 on a gold grill for your ride but won't spend $100 on your kids.

Wake up people!!!  We need to start making better decisions with our money!  Look nice, ride nice and buy things at a moderate rate.  If you don't have a job, don't blow your money.  If you don't have skills to better budget your money, get some!  If you have a mate who is draining you dry, lose them!  You can do bad all by yourself.  If you robbing Peter to pay Paul you are in a crisis!  Make a choice to get your financial matter in order.  Like the saying goes, "Make money, don't let the money make you!"  I'm Just Saying!

I'm Just Saying Disclaimer:  This is the opinion of the writer.  The topics are not designed to hurt, bring pain but to deliver another way of thinking that is designed to help build a person up.  Keep in my mind that I write what I experience from my culture!  If you find that my writing offend you, this isn't the blog for you.  Keep it moving!  I'm Just Saying!  
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...
