Friday, October 22, 2010

Which Lane Are You In?

Have you ever drove your car while trying to do something else and you end up in the other lane?  You realize that any second you could have been in a accident.  Thank God he was protecting you.  The everyday course of life is just like that.  One minute we are walking with God and the next minute we are back in the flesh.  Ask yourself which lane are you in?

We stand before God every time we are in church promising to walk right, talk right and live right but end up jacked up again.  The very thing we think we're doing for God is actually not what it seems.  God knows we are not going to keep our promises that's why he tells us not to make them.  Yet we embarrass ourselves week after week trying to keep these broken promises.  Wouldn't that make us "double minded"?  One minute we love God and the next we love the world and all its earthy things?  I mean, I understand we fall down and we get up but shouldn't we know in our heart and mind that we are not really ready and is working on emotions only?  I agree we should try and try again.  I think the problem lies with one word.....temptation!  If we surround ourselves with positive things, positive people, and the word of God we can succeed.  We can win by not allowing the devil to constantly make us fall.  Once we walk down the church aisle to make it right it should be the last walk.  In case its not, keep walking until its right.  Just know that the lane you are in will either be a head on collision or it will take you to your final destination.  Which lane are you in?


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