If you texting or calling your mate in the morning at 8 am, then again at 9, again at 10 and every hour afterward to find out what they're doing. You got issues! Have you heard of a thing called TRUST?! Try it sometimes before you get your feelings hurt! I'm Just Saying!
If you calling someone out of their name IT IS ABUSE!
If you control what a person wear, how they wear their hair or even if they can not do the things they like and love, IT IS ABUSE!!
If you pick them apart from top to bottom or talking about their weight, body, face, whatever, if it hurts them on purpose, IT IS ABUSE!!
If you are embarrassing them in public whether its out and about or around family and friends, IT IS ABUSE!!
If you are forcing yourself on them sexually or having them do things they normally wouldn't or want to do guess what? IT IS ABUSE.
If you are messing with their head to make them think they are crazy and they are not IT IS ABUSE!!
If you are constantly making your partner feel that they can't do anything right, IT IS ABUSE!!!
I know its not always easy to walk away but trust me IT IS when your life is in danger. PLEASE leave the moment you see signs of abuse. Call the police the moment his/her hand or object touches you.
I would tell what I would do but this is the internet, I'm Just Saying! It would involve a lot of laxatives, and glue. It would be so hard for him to abuse me when I whipping his butt while he is glued to the toilet. I'm Just Saying!!! A man have only 0 times to hit me and that will be the last time he EVER thought about abusing me!! Forealdoh.

If you feel like you have an issue of abuse, domestic violence I urge to get out NOW! If you are being abuse and have children the abuse will be towards the kids sooner or later. Call a shelter or a hotline in your area for direction.
I'm Just Saying!!!!! Be Bless and Please be safe!
OMG! I lost my daughter a year ago to domestic violence. Her husband stabbed her 110 times severely cutting her open. We had to have an closed coffin because she was so barely noticeable. Please GET OUT of the abusive relationship at once. IT WILL NOT GET BETTER! Forealdoh THANK YOU for posting this on your blog. I am praying someone will read this and get away from their situation. May God bless you and use you ALWAYS.
Dear Anonymous
I am so sadden to hear about your daughter. I pray God will give you strength to press on as each day seems to remind you of your loss.
I also want to thank you for stopping by to read my blog. It is an honor to have readers like you who value the writing of others. I will keep you in my prayers.
God Bless,
Forealdoh (Cheryl)
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