Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm Just Saying! (Freedom of Speech)

I was watching the Today show when the segment of Maria Clair blog and writer Maura Kelly talked about "people being fat."  I was reading the online article she wrote and I quote, "So anyway, yes, I think I'd be grossed out if I had to watch two characters with rolls and rolls of fat kissing each other ... because I'd be grossed out if I had to watch them doing anything. To be brutally honest, even in real life, I find it aesthetically displeasing to watch a very, very fat person simply walk across a room — just like I'd find it distressing if I saw a very drunk person stumbling across a bar or a heroine addict slumping in a chair." unquote.  

Here is my opinion: 
She has a right to say how she feels.  Would have I written something like that.....I don't know!  I can say this I don't think the people reading her article saw the bottom the line of her story.  She isn't saying something that most of  have not thought about.  She just put hers out there for the world to see.  I personally don't watch the Mike & Molly not because of weight but because it doesn't interest me.  Americans have issues with being skinny!  Let's face it.  As you age, your body change so either you will work at it or you won't.  Who are we to criticize a person for their decision to be skinny or fat?  Who are we to beat up on someone for their opinion?
One of our rights is "Freedom of Speech".  One should be able to share their thoughts without a media back lash, regardless.  What amazes me is the television and radio media.....they are like flesh eating bacterias on celebrities.  They are allowed to invade their privacy, be in their business and most important report on their children as well over exaggerate a story.  Why aren't we mad about that?  Why do we allow them to degrade others and allow this writer, who is no different than other media outlet, to be racked over the coals?  It isn't fair!  Some of the comments on her blog were outrageous.  

As a "black woman" my skin was born with a layer of thickness.  As much as my culture suffered at the hands of other human beings, the media can't stand the thought of discussing it.  Let alone reporting on it!  The reason why people don't get anger with the media for reporting on people like, less say Charlie Sheen, is because they are keeping nosy people, like those who attack Maura's article, in the loop.  Why should this writer be fired?  Until we as a whole stop allowing others to dictate what is "real", what is "normal" and what "we" should say and feel I say BACK OFF!  I'm Just Saying!

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