Monday, October 25, 2010

Do The Work!

"Then David continued, 'Be strong and courageous and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the temple of the Lord is finished correctly.'" I Chronicles 28:20 (NLT) 

I was going into my annual fast wanting God to do some powerful things in my life.  Little did I know, He was going to require a lot of work on my part.  Once I complete my role in His blessing for me, God promised to anoint the work at hand. I trust Him!  That is not the problem.  The problem is living up to his trust in me.  I love creating ideals and planning but I get so anxious for the outcome that I become discouraged.  Until one day a small voice said, "Do The Work!"  

I began praying and waiting on God for directions and how He wants me to do this project.  I trust the direction He has planned for me, (you have to trust Him for yourself).  So I began listening to the Holy Spirit and a small part of the project is this blog, my website.  Now I know what my purpose is at this moment.  I know what He wants for me.  I just have to do the work.

Perhaps you need a push to do what God has called you to do.  Maybe you know someone who is missing out on their calling.  Regardless, I am telling you to DO THE WORK!!!  No matter how hard the job at hand seems, do the work.  Sick and can't get well, do the work.  Having problems on the job, do the work.   Are you facing a challenge in your marriage? Do the work. Does your attitude need to be rebuilt? Do the work.  Worried about your children? Do the work.  Dealing with something that is too big to overcome? Do the work.  Are you struggling with debt and financial issues?  Do the work. Do you want to eat healthier, commit to regular exercise or lose weight? Do the work.  Is there a dream that God has planted in your heart that seems too big for you? Do the work.

Remember there is NOTHING too hard for God.  For his word says, "greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." 1 John 4:4  Which means when Christ is in you how can you go wrong?  You can't.  When you find yourself wanting to throw in the towel.  DON'T!  That strength and boost you need comes from God, when we call upon Him.

Job was a prime example of not giving up.  The devil challenged Job's integrity  proposing to God that Job serves him simply because God protects him. God removes Job's protection, allowing Satan to take his wealth, his children, and his physical health in order to tempt Job to curse God. Despite his difficult circumstances, he does not curse God, but rather curses the day of his birth. And although he protests his plight and pleads for an explanation, he stops short of accusing God of injustice.  Job's response to God shows none of the anger, passion, or piety he demonstrated in the rest of the story, even when God does not give Job the direct answer he has demanded for much of the book. Then Job is restored to an even better condition than his former wealthy state.  Remember the fight! Even when you don't have the answers you want, do the work!

So before you give up and call it quits, hold on, take a breath, pray, then do the work!

God Bless!

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Michelle Johnson said...

I really needed to read this! God has been preparing me for something and I have kept putting it off. You are so anointed! Please allow God to continue to wrap himself all around you sis!

Forealdoh said...

Hi Michelle,
Thanks for taking the time to view and read my post. Anytime God uses us or prepare us for a task at hand, it surely our responsibility to do the work at hand. So as you wished on me allow God to also use and bless as well wrap his arms and his anointing around and through you. God Bless and once again THANK YOU!

james said...

I see you doing the work, 4realdoe!