Thursday, October 28, 2010

Making Excuses is No Excuse!

When it comes to sexuality people are more open to the thought of being gay verses being straight.  What one person does is not my concern but when you say I am hating or bashing gays because I  AM A Soldier for God's Kingdom, I take a stand.

Here's question that I want to put out there......

Why is it when we ask someone about God and his bible, people respond with, "How do you know it was God?"  "MAN wrote the bible."  We are quick to dismiss the Word of God but believe MAN on their word.  Something is wrong with this picture.  What can "man" do for me that God can't do?  God say ALL power is in His hand.  What power does man hold?  If God isn't saying that homosexuality is a sin, just like murdering, lying, stealing there is no respect of person, why are we making excuses for the sin?

Maura Kelly wrote, "Although I can be a little on the prudish side, I try to be open about other people's sexuality, and I've tried in the past — and will continue to try — to keep an open mind about trying new things. Because, as I've realized, you never know what the hell you're going to like until you try it" 

UMMM.........NO.............Sorry Maura, trying something that will get me into hell is not worth the effort.  Will you try murder to see if you like it?

Stop making excuses for the sin you live in.  Plain and simple people.  Many will be deceive by the actions of others because society tells us, "its normal".  That is why we need to be in the Word of God and living for Him.  Hell is not the place for you if you don't do heat, bugs, bad smells, being torture and having no peace.  

If you don't believe in hell or God you will surely find out.  All knees will bow before God gay, straight, bi, murderers, unbelievers, believers, adulterers, ALL!  Are you ready to stand before God with your excuses on what you done?

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