Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm Just Saying! (Dumb Parents)

Here is a topic that burns me up.......dumb parents!!!!  There is a difference between a mistake and dumb parent who is dumb. 
For example:

1.  Sending your kids to school is not a time for you to go on vacation.  How you gon' drop them off and head to the airport to hit Vegas and be back by bed time.  What about when they get home from school.....who is going to be there for your elementary babies?  Trade in your airline ticket for a how not to be a dumb parent 101 book because you just dumb and trifling!  I'm Just Saying!

2.  You go to parent teacher conference not to check on your kids report but to fight another parent.  How ghetto is that?  You should be fighting to keep good teachers and staff in their jobs so your kid can have a future, have a good education.  I'm Just Saying!  Fight for a good cause!

3.  You FAITHFULLY go the hail and nail salon, why is your children looking like they belong on a commercial with Sally's "Feed the Children?"  I'm Just Saying!  You should be ashamed of yourself but of course you won't be because you think you fly.  N O T!!!!!

4.  How you going to spend your last on some man who lays around and do NOTHING?  The next week your electric is off and you send NeNe your baby child over to the neighbors with an extension cord asking, "Can we plug this cord in we need some lights?"  Kick that bum to curb and learn how to manage your money and STOP SENDING THEM BABIES TO THE NEIGHBORS!  I'm Just Saying!

5.  How is it your child can beat every video game played but can't play a matching card game because they don't know what the objects on the card is?  Seriously!  Unplug the game and sit down with a tutor so you BOTH can learn something.  Stop letting the TV raise your child!  I'm Just Saying!

6.  Why is your teenage child telling you what to do?  Show them how it feels to have no teeth!  I'm Just Saying!

7.  Why is your daughter dressing like she is working the corner?  I mean, really, did you forget her clothes size?  Is she working with you on a corner?  Well I just wanna know..........need a pimp?  I'm Just Saying!

8.  Stop sending your kids to church just so they can eat breakfast.  Get yo but out of bed, cook and go to church as a family.  Maybe God will be merciful on you.  I'm Just Saying!!!

9.  Please stop using the system as a method of getting by.  You the parent, GET A JOB and provide on your own.  Being on welfare and using the local food pantry as a way of living is not what it was designed to be!!!  I'm Just Saying!

So many parents are failing in raising our children.  Stop letting your children dictate the rules.  

If you can't control them, someone else will. 

If you can't or won't discipline someone else will 

and if you can't stand for someone to say anything to them then you betta keep them away from me, cause I ain't the one!  I'M JUST SAYING!!

I'm Just Saying Disclaimer:  This is the opinion of the writer.  The topics are not designed to hurt, bring pain but to deliver another way of thinking that is designed to help build a person up.  Keep in my mind that I write what I experience from my culture!  If you find that my writing offend you, this isn't the blog for you.  Keep it moving!  I'm Just Saying! 

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

....need a pimp.......classic!

Larry Washington said...

I like reading your inspirational messages but I was wondering is the "I'm Just Saying" your alter ego?

Forealdoh said...


I must say it is! When I writing about God my tone is different. When I am writing the "I'm Just Saying!" I am usually myself. As I am with family friend.

Thanks for reading and visit my blog.
