Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Can You See?

The end of August I lost my eye sight.  I am still not able to see fully out of my right eye.  For months I have prayed and ask God what is the purpose of this test.  I could have complained and whined but I knew for whatever reason God was testing me.

As I began my annual fast, I wanted God to spiritually do some magnificent things in my life.  I started writing in a journal my thoughts on my current health issues.   Here's what I want to share with my readers.

I can't see because God wants me to look inside of me to see the God within.  What do I mean?  We can get busy in our everyday lives and barely if not at all make time for God.  Sometimes He has to sit you down so you can focus on Him and not on the busy everyday schedules we are accustom to.  Other times he may want you to come spend some quality time with him so he can take you to the next level.

God appeared before Abraham (Gen 12:7).
Ezekiel saw visions of God (Ezek. 1:1). 
Isaac saw the Lord (Gen. 26:2).
Jacob saw the Lord in a dream (Gen. 28:13).
He states ....the pure in heart shall see God (Matt. 5:8 (3 Ne. 12:8).
Bottom line....he appeared to them in their alone time.

I love being able to see with my eyes but I must be honest that I have been enjoying my vision of God.  What He has given me is for me and for that I will not share.  I will say this to you, open your heart and mind so you can see God for yourself.  What he wants is to bless you and raise you from where you are.  What do you have to lose in trying God?  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  What will you lose if you don't try him?  Everything!  Is it worth not seeing God or believing in God to do greater things in your life.  He says, "Greater is He that is in me....won't you try God today?

Father, I pray the reader is seeking your presence.  I pray that their heart is filled with your undying love and unconditional favor.  I pray that their mind and heart be filled with your ever presence and fresh anointing.  Guide and show them the very path you want for them.  Open their eyes, mind, heart, and ears to seek out the truth.  I pray these things and more in Jesus Name.  Amen.

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