Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm Just Saying! (Family)

Today's topic is Family!

If your mother is alive and you are not speaking because of a silly disagreement, shame on you!  You have only one mother that God gave to you so why are you wasting time by not forgiving and letting go.  A mother’s love is the greatest joy and blessing.  I'm Just Saying!

If you are a parent who is not taking care of your children, you got a lot of nerve of birthing more than you can handle.  Stop having unprotected sex and baring kids to earn a paycheck.  So many families wants children and your trifling behind having kids and are neglecting them. It should be laws that will make you have a hysterectomy!!  I'm Just Saying!

If your kids are lying to you at home what makes you think they are telling you the truth any other time.  For example...."My teacher hit me!" Why are you so quick to jump all over the teacher instead of getting to the truth?  Most of the kids today know the system better than the parents!  Maybe your child isn't so innocence as your fantasy thoughts lead you to be.  I'm Just Saying!

Fathers STOP HAVING UNPROTECTED SEX AND BARING CHILDREN!  You know doggone well your tired behind is not going to take care of 1 child let alone 6!!!  You know you are trifling when you tried to holla at a sistah.   Keep it cover or keep on walking!  I'm Just Saying!

Please stop all the abuse (sexual, physical and mental) that's sad if you feel the need to control someone by playing these dangerous games.  If you are sexually abusing someone in your family YOU ARE SICK!!!  Plain and simple!  Get help or be helped.  I'm Just Saying!

Teenagers when you "fall in love" understand that disrespecting your parents for that person will come back to bite you in the butt so be careful of what you say and what you do.  Your parents can tell a snake from a stick.  I'm Just Saying!

Here's a big one!  To the non custodial parent....PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT!  Stop looking at your baby momma's as if she wants your money.  You know you have no money, first of all, so stop acting like you are rich in dollars.  It takes money to feed, to keep a roof over their head, school fees, extra curriculum activities, doctor’s appointments, hospital bills, prescriptions, clothes, shoes, and so much more.  Why in God's name do you fuss over money when you the jerk who had unprotected sex!!!  GET OVER YOURSELF ALREADY and STEP UP!!!  Spend some quality time with your kids and be an example!  I'm Just Saying!

Stop all the gossiping and fighting among one another, show love and forgiveness.  For whatever reason, you belong to that family so find the good and do not focus on what you don't have.  We all have some family issues, some more serious than others.  Be grateful that you have a family to call your own.  I'm Just Saying!

Finally, I am blessed to have several families.  One that is so dysfunctional "Family Guy" looks like the "The Cosby's" and the other one is all that its cracked up to be.  Regardless of all the drama and love, it has made me the woman I am today!  I wouldn't trade it at all, well maybe some people but not the family in whole.  I'M JUST SAYING~!

I'm Just Saying Disclaimer:  This is the opinion of the writer.  The topics are not designed to hurt, bring pain but to deliver another way of thinking that is designed to help build a person up.  Keep in my mind that I write what I experience from my culture!  If you find that my writing offend you, this isn't the blog for you.  Keep it moving!  I'm Just Saying! 


Anonymous said...

I love this post. Please keep the I'm Just Saying" coming.

Jennifer said...

Love it!