Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm Just Saying! (Being Blessed)

Everyone wants to be bless!  Let's face it!  I am always saying that I am Highly Favored and BLESSED!  I wan to give you insight on how to be blessed and know it!  You ready?  

You are blessed if you woke up this morning!  


You are blessed if you are not incarcerated.

If you are, that would make you dumb, crazy, stupid, or all the above especially if you put yourself there.  

Yet if you haven't succumbed to the true meaning of "saggin" you are blessed.  

You are blessed if you are still alive and surviving doing your time.  

Your favored and blessed if you are falsely imprisoned and still alive while being in your right mind!!  I'm Just Saying!!!

If you have a job to go!  BLESSED!

Both of your parents are alive....BLESSED!

Children are well and alive......Blessed!

 Not on welfare...Blessed!

In your right mind.....Blessed! 

Have a full head of gray hair and still able to do for yourself.....Blessed!  

Could be in your grave!  I'm Just Saying! 

Living in a drug infested enviorment with kids and not one time have you, your children been in directly involved or have had your home broken into.  Just blessed!!  Now MOVE out of there before it does happen.....God is giving you some time and it will run out.  I'm Just Saying!

Having someone to love you!  Blessed!

Being in love and knowing what it means to truly be loved after they have pass away makes you blessed!  That is a special kind of love.  One that is so rare and so precious!!  

If you have all your limbs and they function......blessed!

If you have one limb or more missing.....Blessed!  Your bless that you are still able to breath and use the very few limbs left.  I'm Just Saying!

Bottom line.....we all are blessed and yet we still find something to complain about!  

STOP complaining!   

Be thankful and grateful that things are not much worse.  As long as you are still breathing that is just another day to get your life right!  Be Blessed and know it!  I'M JUST SAYING!


Linda S. said...

This is such an awesome site! I can't wait to read what you write from day to day!.

Always let God use you. You are such an inspiration to me.

Anonymous said...

Love it!