Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Complete Idiots Guide to Dysfunction

Every now and then I find something that I like written by others.  I want to share this with you and give credit where due.  Nichole Jeter you are awesome!  Thanks for letting me repost on my blog.

The Complete Idiots Guide to Dysfunction

1. Ignore the obvious
2. Defend all actions including the ones that are clearly wrong.
3. Listen Partly and Speak Often
4. Be defensive
5. Begin every sentence with an I
6. Trust a Liar.
7. Be A Victim
8. Ignore 3 Major senses Sight, Touch, and Hearing
9. Adapt an Attitude of Superiority
10. When given clear instructions ignore them
11. If there is a Bush by all means beat around it.
12. Procrastinate on important life changing issues
13. Listen to other people who have mastered most if not all the principles of dysfunction
14. Run and hide from overbearing people
15. Be courageous and mean to the ones who Love you Seek to hurt their feelings
16. Base relationships off of your emotions see number 1.
17. Blame everyone else for these wonderful habits and principles you have adapted.
18. Be superficial
19. Wear your sexuality as a badge of honor
20. Trade all No’s for Yes, Yes I can and Yes I will!!
21. Place value on all of your belongings
22. Keep baggage from your old relationships
23. Compare your current mate with old mates
24. Use sex for everything
25. Use drugs and alcohol to numb the senses that you do use.
26. Lie to avoid
27. Meet every challenge with a willingness to remain ignorant.
28. Create as many bad habits as possible.
29. Doubt everything

Now these are some of the sure fire principles to a happy resourceful and committed life of dysfunction. If you follow all if not some of these rules you will remain happily bound and confused and ultimately the devils chew toy. Yes trust in this and you will certainly be on a one way ticket to……………..Oh let me stop here these instructions are too much like right and seeing that you can’t seem to get pass number 10 this message will totally be ignored and void. ~Nichole Jeter


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this...I had to email this list to my friends and family. Great job to the writer.

Forealdoh said...

Thanks I will surely let her know that!

Nichole said...

Bless you Cheryl. I pray its a reminder of what not to do instead of a life resume for some.

Oh and Awesome website! I'm so thankful for your gifts and I welsome this wonderful way to uplift the Kingdom of God.

Forealdoh said...

Thanks Nichole! Always finding new ways to reach one and teach one!!

When are you starting a blog? Need help, let me know.