Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spirit of God makes tough times easier to swallow.

Just as a little jelly makes a peanut butter sandwich a little sweeter and easier to swallow, there are several spiritual qualities, once acquired that can make even the toughest situation easier to swallow.
Just what is jelly anyway? It is usually made up of fruit and fruit pectin. It sometimes contains additional sugars for sweetness. It makes our taste buds happy and makes peanut butter digest better too.
In a peanut butter sandwich, jelly clarifies and sweetens.
That's the impact of the grace of God on each believer's life. Paul referred to the fruit of the spirit. These qualities are like jelly, they sweeten and make even difficult situations easier to swallow.
A joyful spirit, a spirit of long-suffering, an attitude of hope, a humble approach, good motivations, and a tempered response to all of life's situations make them easier to digest. Some have found that they present sweet opportunities for God to work in their lives. Instead of complaining they "count it all joy" because they are confident that all things, even peanut butter situations, will work to their good.
The fruit that makes life's jelly comes from the spirit of God. It's the kind of stuff that preserves saints. They store up faith and joy in little spiritual bottles then apply an ample portion whenever there is a peanut butter situation.

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Karla A. said...

you really have a way of putting things together. love it!

Karla A.

Anonymous said...

I will look at pb&j completely different from now on out. I really look forward to reading your blogs. Thanks.

Mikey Howard said...

Do you ever have a bad moment? I mean every time I read your postings you are always looking at life from a positive perspective. I would love to hear what you think on your off days. I'm Just Saying! lol

Forealdoh said...

Thanks Karla and Anonymous I appreciate the feed back!

Mike, of course I have bad moments and yes I write what I am feeling. I hurt just like everyone else. Do I show my tail all the time, No! I write from my heart and I will always try to find the positive out of any situation. Thanks for comment and of course I'm JUST Saying! ;-)