Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm Just Saying (Three Eggs and $10,000)

As we continue this week on promises I want to share an illustration:

A newly ordained preacher and his young wife were talking about being more considerate of each other.
The good wife promised that she would stop being so critical of his sleep-inducing sermons. He, in return, promised to honor her privacy and stop looking through her dresser drawers.
The preacher was true to his word, never looking through his wife's dresser drawers, and the good wife was never openly critical of her husband's sermons. Their marriage progressed smoothly.
After 50 years, their children gave a great party to celebrate the golden anniversary of the preacher and his wife.
Many people came to congratulate the happy couple.
That evening, as they were putting their anniversary gifts away, the preacher saw that his wife had left one dresser drawer slightly open. He tried as hard as he could to withstand the temptation, but he finally opened the drawer and looked inside.
There he found 3 eggs, and $10,000, in bills of varied denominations. He was greatly puzzled by this, and went to question his wife. "Oh," she said. "Well, you remember when we spoke of being more considerate with each other all those years ago?" The preacher, feeling profoundly guilty, answered, "Yes." "Well," she continued, "I promised to stop criticizing your boring sermons, but every time you gave a sermon that was a real snoozer, I put an egg into that drawer."
The preacher smiled. "Well, that's not so bad. Fifty years of sermons and only 3 eggs!
But what about all that money?"
His wife quietly responded, "Every time I got a dozen eggs, I sold them."

Bottom line.......Promises are made to be broken by people.  Have a great day!

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