Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm Just Saying (Waiting on the promises seems slow - Conclusion)

Have you ever waited for something promised to you but it took a long time coming?
Most of us have been recipients of promises. Many of us have waited, what seemed to be enormous amounts of time to receive something promised. There are some that are waiting on promised employment raises that seem elusive. Some are waiting on marriage proposals.
This season of the year, many children are waiting on a special day when they have been promised an exciting day, in return for a year of good behavior. It's a day that seems to come so slow. The clock seems to tick slower. The nights seem to get longer. The closer it gets, the slower that magic day seems to come. Whether we are children waiting for toys or bigger boys waiting for larger toys, when we are waiting for something, it seems to come slow.
We look for whatever has been promised and are disappointed when it doesn't come.
God made the world some promises. For hundreds of years the world waited for those promises to come true. God made many promises; since most of them had been fulfilled the Jewish people had no reason to believe that this promise would not be fulfilled. God promised Noah it would flood, and it did. He promised a rainbow, it came. He promised Joshua that sun would stand still, it did. He promised Moses that the Red Sea would roll back and it did. He also promised the world that he would send a savior, whose birth would be announced by a shining star. The people took him at that promise too and started searching for the star that would be the sign that God's promised had been fulfilled.
In Biblical times wise men searched for the savior. They searched by looking for his star. When they found the star, they knew that God's promise had been fulfilled. Today, wise men are still searching. They are searching, not necessarily for a specific star in the heavens, but for a sign that God is keeping promises made to the faithful.
As Christians, we rejoice in the knowledge that is not slack in his promises. We know that what he promises, he delivers. It may seem like a long time coming, but a promise from God is good as a blessing received.

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