Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (The Smart Mouse's Class on Cats)

Sometimes we can delude ourselves into believing that we know more than we actually know.
Consider the smart little mouse that knew more information than any mouse around. He read constantly and often led debates about the virtues of living the life of a mouse.
One day, since he had such great knowledge, he decided to conduct a class for the other mice. The class would teach them all he knew about Cats. He posted signs everywhere announcing his class.
The young mice were excited, because this was one of the smartest mice around. If anyone could help them learn about cats, he could.
On the day of the first class, the room was filled with little mice. However, there were no old mice present. Just the little ones. There was a big guy who came too.
He sat in the back of the room. The mouse proceeded to lecture the little mice about cats. The cat has nine lives. The cat has fur and great claws. The cat purrs and meows. The cat has peculiar looking eyes. He went on for many minutes.
Suddenly the guy in the back of the room stood and showed his teeth and started chasing all of the little mice.
The young mouse ran outside the room and barely escaped being clawed. Several days later the little mouse met a group of old mice and he asked them a question.
"Why didn't you attend my class on cats the other day?", he asked. One old mouse responded, "You know what the book says about cats, but you had never seen a cat yourself.
We didn't come to your class because we have seen cats and we know what cats eat for lunch!"

Website Sign

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