Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What it means to study the word?

1 Timothy 2:15 makes it clear, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
To study the Word is to read it for understanding, compare it with other scriptures, visualize it with the help of historical background, and clarify it through repetitious analysis.
Most bible studies in the Baptist Church are done through the Sunday School. The church provides for each family, study materials, or books that give an explanation of the scriptures being studied to aid us in our private and family study. Each Sunday, teachers are present to answer questions and lead discussions on truths or points you have discovered in your study of the word.
Although bible study is essential to strengthening faith, there are too many Christians who neglect bible study. We hear them all over America: "I just don't like Sunday School. When I was a child my mother made me go and I said when I grow up I'd never go again." In other places we hear them say "I don't like Sunday School, they may call on me to read."
Even more unfortunate is the truth that there are many who lead in churches across the nation, whose witness is strong and powerful, neglect the Sunday morning Bible study.
Since Bible study is crucial to every Christian, the church should pay special attention the caliber of people we select to teach. Those who cannot make themselves available to attend the meetings of teachers and to improve themselves while in service through the church training program should be lovingly phased out!
What is the challenge?
The challenge is for the church to reemphasize its commitment to the importance of preparation and training.
This commitment reemphasizes that no matter how much we love a brother or a sister and want them to participate on a leadership level of our auxiliary, we refuse to do so if that brother or sister is not willing to commit themselves a minimum level of training and in-service preparation.
This training should equip every member to at least have basic bible skills. To know that Genesis is in the front o the Bible and not the back!
This training should orient every member to know the history, heritage and program of the church and how the church program is reflected in the Word of God.
This training should prepare every leader, through attitude and aptitude, to serve in his chosen area of church work.
But more than that, this training gives each leader a greater appreciation and understanding of his faith. Training helps him to appreciate the songs of the choir, the sermons of the pastor, and sacredness of the worship.
This training gives him the courage to witness, the faith to endure trials, and the inspiration in moments of desperation.
The word of God: --feeds me when I am hungry! --comforts me when I am lonely! --corrects me when I am wrong   --refreshes me when I am tired! --satisfies me when I am thirsty! --lifts me when I am low! --challenges me when I am indifferent! --sustains me when I am afraid! --directs me when I am confused! --motivates me when I am discouraged! --soothes me when I am dying!
No wonder the scriptures declare, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." No wonder the song writer wrote, "Hide your word in my heart Oh God."
If you hide me in your word, it will: --Bless me when I'm burdened --Cheer me when I'm sad --Strengthen me when I'm weak --Calm me when I'm troubled --Revive me when I'm weary!
Hide your word in my heart oh God!
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