Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (We show spiritual growth by the way we talk and carry ourselves)

We show spiritual growth by the way we talk and carry ourselves

A mark of spiritual maturity, involves our conversation and general deportment.
No matter what we say, our actions speak louder than our words.
Our deportment is a peep hole to our souls that reveal hidden character secrets.
The kinds of words we use, what we make jokes about, what we discuss, the way we dress, walk and talk, all reveal our level of maturity.
The way we carry ourselves, to a large extent, reflects our spiritual maturity.
A spiritually mature Christian is aware that we are charged to "walk circumspect fully." That means we must walk and talk in ways that avoid even the appearance of evil. We are ambassadors of Christ 24/7.
This awareness does not come at a certain age in life; it comes when the Holy Spirit has awakened in a sensitivity within us that puts the demands of the cross ahead of our own.
When we reach that level, parents, friends and acquaintances instantly see a change in our conversation and our daily walk.
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