Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Grandchildren need private time with their grandparents.

This is dedicated to our grandson Elijah.
To Nannies & Grandpa's Precious Grandson

I pray that one day you will come to know your grandparents.  No matter where you are, where you go, you are apart of us.  We loved you the moment we knew of you.  No matter what people say or do to keep you from us, WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!  It is our faith in God that you will grow up to be a better person than the examples that are being set for you.

Today is your first birthday and although we can not share in your special day, know that we wish you the very best birthday and many many more to come.  Love your Pa Paw & Nannie! 

Today's blog topic is 
"Grandchildren need private time with their grandparents"
Grandparents are people too, but grandchildren will never know that unless there is a relationship between them.
Believe it or not grandparents were once young, but life didn't stop because you were born and they were suddenly grandparents.
Relationships are needed to better understand and appreciate grandparents.
Many grandchildren are surprised to learn that grandpa and grandma are not old fixtures from the past stuck in a corner, but they seem to have so much fun, why? Because they have learned how to live, after spending a lifetime learning how to make a living.
Grandchildren need private time with grandparents, without the parents around, so they can build relationships. When relationships are built children learn that grandpa can tell the funniest stories. He learns that grandma can sing; that the two of them can dance, tell jokes, and laugh until they cry.
They also learn that grandma and grandpa still go on dates and enjoy romance!
Relationships help grandchildren to learn the one important truth they need to know about life; how to live a fruitful life.

Erma Bombeck, an American humorist and columnist died in 1996.
Before her death she wrote the following about grandparents, 

"What is a grandparent?

They can always be counted upon to buy anything you're selling from all-purpose greeting cards to peanut brittle, from flower seeds to cookies, from transparent tape to ten chances on a pony.
A grandparent buys you gifts your mother says you don't need.
A grandparent pretends he doesn't know who you are on Halloween.
A grandparent will put a sweater on you when she is cold, feed you when she is hungry and put you to bed when she is tired.
A grandparent will check to see if you are crying when you are sound asleep.
A grandparent is the only baby-sitter who doesn't charge money to keep you.
A grandparent will believe you can read when you have the book upside down.
Perhaps the saddest words in all the world are, "I never knew my grandparents."

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Anonymous said...

OMG this made me tear up! I am so sorry that you don't get to see your grand baby. Please remember that one day he will not be glad to hear that he was kept from you all. My daughter kept my grand babies from me and now that they are older resent her. I try my best to not allow them to talk crazy or bad about her. She was determine to use them to keep them out of their lives and she is paying for it. I pray that your daughter or son comes to their sense because the child can never have too much love or support. Take care and God bless you and your family.

Forealdoh said...

Hello and thanks for commenting. I must say that I received an video of my grandson with his birthday cake. I was really over joyed to share in a glimpse of his special day. I can only pray and let God do what He's gonna do in this situation. All power is in His hands, not mine, theirs or yours. Be blessed and thanks for reading and visiting