Friday, March 18, 2011

Favor from God is a worthy goal!

To increase in favor WITH God is different from favor FROM God.
Favor with God indicates how God feels about us. Favor FROM God indicates what God has done for us based on how he feels about us.
Do not confuse favor with prosperity. A football player who has favor with the coach has earned his respect. He gets favor from the coach when he is called to get in the game. He is called in the game not so he can personally prosper but because he can help the team win. He can take a hit and may be flipped upside down but he can score. High pay and praise may be the result but that's not why he was put in the game.
We are trying to win the world for Christ. God selects us and endows us for a service because he knows we can take the world's best shots and still score. If we happen to prosper in the process, great but that's not why he put us in the game.
Why not strive to increase with favor in God. Let's say, "Put me in coach" I’m ready to be a witness.

Our lifestyle attracts godly favor!  To grow in favor with God means to live in such a way that God chooses us to be the main instruments of his will.
Associated with that selection, comes all the things necessary for us to achieve our purpose. Mary was a woman who found favor with God. She was humbled by the selection, because of that favor she found that she was protected, directed, provided for through his grace. Jesus increased in favor. It means that each year he become more subject to the will of God and more willing to give of himself to do what God wanted done.
Associated with that, despite being poor, the family carpentry business did well; resources became available to them thanks to unexpected gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh; and there were no reports of disharmony in their home.
The everyday life of Jesus' home brought favor upon him. The same can be said for us.
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