Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Know God not Just His Words)

Know God not Just His Words

Is it possible to think you know a subject only to find out that you don't really know it at all?
Often, we approach life with the assumption that what we know about it is all consuming. We trust what we have read or seen on television to give us accurate images of what is or at least what should be. In our search for knowledge, often the very process itself substitutes as the objective rather than means to achieve an end. As such, some become perpetual students, never completing their education. There is a terminal end to their pursuit. They only hope to study and study more.
Sometimes we can delude ourselves into believing that we know more than we actually know.
In a similar sense there are many today that have accumulated immense Biblical knowledge about God, but their daily lives suggest that they really don't Him. They know that He is powerful. They know that He is all knowing. They know He is everywhere at the same time. They know that He is beyond comprehension. They know all that is written about Him, but they don't know Him for themselves.
As Christians, we understand that we must study about God. We must read His word and we must commit to memory as much as we can about His nature.
However, just as it is important to know about Him, then it is even more important for each individual to have a personal relationship with God.  Do you have a personal relationship with God?  Father I pray that the person reading this will accept and believe that Jesus Christ, your Son, died for their sins.  I pray that their sins are forgiven and that they will enter into a covenant with you daily as they seek your Kingdom.  Father I pray that they are blessed and delivered, & that you order their steps in their journey with you.  I pray these things and so much more in Jesus Name, Amen!

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Anonymous said...

Hi Forealdoh,

I have been on your website everyday reading your material and love it. I heard you speak at a friend of mine church in your area. I would love to invite you to our church to speak. All expenses paid. I e-mailed my information, please call me if you are interested.

Sharon Neely
Bibleway Church of God in Christ

Forealdoh said...

Hello Sharon,

Thanks for the invite. I will surely be in touch with you soon.