Thursday, March 31, 2011

Homes and Houses

Homelessness is not defined qualitatively by the kind of house we live in or quantitatively by whether we have a house at all.
The truly homeless are those who have no one to care about them. There are only two ways that a person who once succeeded in the business world can be on the streets, no one cares or the person doesn't care to be connected.
Believers will never be spiritually homeless because God stops caring. God always cares about his own people. He keeps up with us too. The psalmist says he neither slumbers nor sleeps. He knows our down sitting and our uprising. He knows every thought we think and is aware of our whereabouts at all times. We never leave the presence of God. He cares and keeps us with him.
Whenever a child leaves home, a concerned parent keeps up with them. Letters, telephone calls and visits demonstrate that concern is there. A child that is away from home is always on a parent's mind. That's the way it is with God. We are always on his mind. The porch light is always on and their key still works.
Israel was exiled in Babylon, but they were never without a home. Messages came on a regular basis from back home and they continued to pray for the restoration of the homeland.
God does not disconnect a believer; he maintains a constant vigil to keep in touch.
While there are persons who have no one to care for them, there are large numbers of people who have families that are concerned about them, but they chose to disconnect from them. They don't call home. They don't write home. They don't go home. They distance themselves from home.
They have a home, but they have disconnected themselves.
Having a home but not touching base is frustrating. Connections are necessary.
A beautifully decorated telephone that is not connected is useless.
An all electric home with the power disconnected is no good.
Having a home but being disconnected is like having no home at all.
Too many people today have allowed themselves to become disconnected from their spiritual "home." God has not cut us off; we have cut ourselves off from him. There are members of churches across America that are literal strangers to the church family. They offer no service, do not participate in church ministries and do not pay their fair share of the operating expenses of their church. They are literal strangers who have cut themselves off from the daily life of the congregation. They have time for every imaginable endeavor, except the church.
Today there are many who are homeless in a city of mansions. They have much, but have so little.
In that respect there are many today who have a place to lay their head but are never-the-less, homeless.
These are those who drive fine cars and wear the best clothes, but have no place to call home.
These are those who live in houses of brick with carpet floors and wealthy conveniences and appliances, but still have no place to call home.
These are those who have a summer house in the south and winter house in the north, but still have no place to call home.
These are those who have a place to lay their heads but there is something missing in the house: Mother doesn't seem to like father, and father doesn't seem to care; sisters don't like brothers and brothers are happy to be left alone. They have a place to lay their heads, but no place to call home.
There are many who still have a place to lay their heads, but have no one who cares. You got to have somebody who cares.
I'm so glad that I serve a God who cares.
He cares enough about me to wipe tears from my eyes.
He cares enough about me to lift up a bowed down head.
He cares enough about me to pick me up when I'm falling
He cares! Yes he cares!

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some worry so much they make themselves miserable.

There are many that cannot celebrate life because they worry so much they make themselves miserable.
Listen to the list: "How am I going to pay for all this stuff I have?"; "How am I going to get everything done?" or even little things like, "How am I going to find a parking space at the mall?" The worry list varies from person to person but is never-the-less real.
The Greek word for worry is actually two words "merizo and nous" which means to "divide the mind."
The English word is based on an old Anglo Saxon word which means to choke or to strangle. The combined meanings let us know that worrying can divide our thinking and choke and strangle our spirit. Excessive worry keeps us frustrated, divided and choked up. It would be better to trust God for a change.
Don't worry about finding a parking space, get in the car and go and trust God to show you where a space will open up at the mall and in life!

When love fails relationships crumble

When a man or woman experiences a failure in marriage or close personal relationship with another, it can render a personal failure and the become totally dysfunctional.
It becomes hard to sleep, eat, concentrate or focus on even the simplest tasks. Divorce, estrangement or difficulties in relationships can place a severe strain upon an individual, to the point of emotional burnout. Like the others, this too is a peanut butter situation.
It's hard to swallow
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What it means to study the word?

1 Timothy 2:15 makes it clear, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
To study the Word is to read it for understanding, compare it with other scriptures, visualize it with the help of historical background, and clarify it through repetitious analysis.
Most bible studies in the Baptist Church are done through the Sunday School. The church provides for each family, study materials, or books that give an explanation of the scriptures being studied to aid us in our private and family study. Each Sunday, teachers are present to answer questions and lead discussions on truths or points you have discovered in your study of the word.
Although bible study is essential to strengthening faith, there are too many Christians who neglect bible study. We hear them all over America: "I just don't like Sunday School. When I was a child my mother made me go and I said when I grow up I'd never go again." In other places we hear them say "I don't like Sunday School, they may call on me to read."
Even more unfortunate is the truth that there are many who lead in churches across the nation, whose witness is strong and powerful, neglect the Sunday morning Bible study.
Since Bible study is crucial to every Christian, the church should pay special attention the caliber of people we select to teach. Those who cannot make themselves available to attend the meetings of teachers and to improve themselves while in service through the church training program should be lovingly phased out!
What is the challenge?
The challenge is for the church to reemphasize its commitment to the importance of preparation and training.
This commitment reemphasizes that no matter how much we love a brother or a sister and want them to participate on a leadership level of our auxiliary, we refuse to do so if that brother or sister is not willing to commit themselves a minimum level of training and in-service preparation.
This training should equip every member to at least have basic bible skills. To know that Genesis is in the front o the Bible and not the back!
This training should orient every member to know the history, heritage and program of the church and how the church program is reflected in the Word of God.
This training should prepare every leader, through attitude and aptitude, to serve in his chosen area of church work.
But more than that, this training gives each leader a greater appreciation and understanding of his faith. Training helps him to appreciate the songs of the choir, the sermons of the pastor, and sacredness of the worship.
This training gives him the courage to witness, the faith to endure trials, and the inspiration in moments of desperation.
The word of God: --feeds me when I am hungry! --comforts me when I am lonely! --corrects me when I am wrong   --refreshes me when I am tired! --satisfies me when I am thirsty! --lifts me when I am low! --challenges me when I am indifferent! --sustains me when I am afraid! --directs me when I am confused! --motivates me when I am discouraged! --soothes me when I am dying!
No wonder the scriptures declare, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." No wonder the song writer wrote, "Hide your word in my heart Oh God."
If you hide me in your word, it will: --Bless me when I'm burdened --Cheer me when I'm sad --Strengthen me when I'm weak --Calm me when I'm troubled --Revive me when I'm weary!
Hide your word in my heart oh God!
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Monday, March 28, 2011

Every day makes a difference

Have you ever had a bad day?
A bad day is extremely frustrating because everything that can go wrong does!
On bad days cars malfunction, keys get lost, children get sick, deadlines are missed, opportunities are lost, reputations are tarnished, mistakes are made, lies are told, wounds are inflicted and pain is endured. Bad days are unavoidable. They often come unannounced and give us little opportunity to respond to them. Bad days, at the very least, are aggravating.
Bad days don't discriminate. Children have bad days. Adults have bad days. People of all races cultures and creeds, all have experienced those irritating times when everything that could go wrong did go wrong.
You can't tell what kind of day it'll be by the way it begins. A day that starts off great can very well end up a bad day.
Some days start bad and end the same way. Then there are other days that start out bad but before the day is over, end better than they began. We know it's been a bad day if we left home with plenty of money but came home broke. If we leave broke and come back broke, it's still a bad day. But if we leave broke and come back with our pockets full..then we've had a good day.
No condition in life is permanent. Neither success or failure is fixed. Both are conditional.
On July 3, 1776 America was a colony of England, but on July 4th, one day later, the whole world changed. What a difference a day makes!
On Wednesday, October 23, 1929 millionaires in America were dancing in the street. The next day, Thursday, October 24th, the stock market crashed and millionaires instantly became beggars. Hundreds jumped from windows in anguish over their sudden poverty. What a difference a day makes!
One day a man is a lowly janitor. They next day he wins the lottery and is a multimillionaire!
What a difference a day makes!
Have you seen the television show that sings this song? "Come and hear the story of a man named Jed. A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed. Then one day he was shooting at some food and up from the ground came a bubbling crude.. Oil that is, black gold." One day they were hillbillies, the next day they were living in Beverly Hills! What a difference a day makes!
There are some days that are different from others because they are turning points.
They are days that mark transitions, shifts, and life-style changes. These days are important because of the way they initiated change in our lives. The day we decided to get married instead of shacking.
The day we decided to stop smoking. The day we decided to tone down our wild and reckless pattern of living; all of these were important days because they made a difference in our life-style.
The day that Christ arose from the dead was a great day. It was a day that changed the entire world and the lives of millions of people.
Today, will be a good day because it is a day that the Lord has made just for me!
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Friday, March 25, 2011

Life's finger foods are just appettizers.

In most situations, these little finger foods are called "Hors d' oeuvres" (pronounced "or-derves). At many social gatherings the food is often served on small plates about the size of a hand. They are usually noted by the peculiar presence of toothpicks protruding from the tops of each item.
Instead of a whole sandwich, one sandwich is cut into several small squares and topped with a tooth pick.
Instead of a whole chicken wing, there is usually a half of a chicken wing, called a "buffalo wing.." Also there are little green olives, a few chips and dips, and few crackers, slices of meats and cheeses rolled into cute little circles. Meatballs, cheeses and a variety of other delicacies make up the host of finery's used in finger foods.
The food is great but it is usually served on small plates. Sometimes these plates are too small for those who try to get some of everything. When they do they are forced to stack everything into a pyramid.
Finger foods are great, but they always leave you wanting more.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

There are many microwave mothers

The microwave mothers move fast. An instant cup of coffee, Pop Tarts in the microwave and rush the kids out of the door. Telephone answering machines, cell phones, beepers make communication easy, but there is so much to do.
She is a 21st century mother but she has a few things about her that were hand me downs.
She still manages. She has a career and an income. She has her own Visa, Master Card and ATM access. But she still saves a little in her own private place...saving for a rainy day. Grandma's old cookie jar has been replaced with 401 K plans, annuities and stocks and bonds. But it amounts to the same thing.
The family of one to three children gets together in the evening. They don't talk much but they sit in the same room and watch T.V. The stove gets a good work out once a week in between there is chicken from Popeye's and burgers from the place Grandma said would never make it because it was too fast...McDonalds.
She attends church regularly, although she often skips Sunday School. She steals a few minutes from God to be by herself. At church She doesn't wear a hat. Sometimes she wears red dresses. She doesn't shout but she raises her hand a lot and says, "praise the Lord!"
At the close of the day, she drinks a cup of instant coffee, checks her email, answers her voice mail, then reads a page or two from her bible.
In her bed at night she stares at the ceiling and says, "Thank you Lord, it's been a mighty good day."

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Grandchildren need private time with their grandparents.

This is dedicated to our grandson Elijah.
To Nannies & Grandpa's Precious Grandson

I pray that one day you will come to know your grandparents.  No matter where you are, where you go, you are apart of us.  We loved you the moment we knew of you.  No matter what people say or do to keep you from us, WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!  It is our faith in God that you will grow up to be a better person than the examples that are being set for you.

Today is your first birthday and although we can not share in your special day, know that we wish you the very best birthday and many many more to come.  Love your Pa Paw & Nannie! 

Today's blog topic is 
"Grandchildren need private time with their grandparents"
Grandparents are people too, but grandchildren will never know that unless there is a relationship between them.
Believe it or not grandparents were once young, but life didn't stop because you were born and they were suddenly grandparents.
Relationships are needed to better understand and appreciate grandparents.
Many grandchildren are surprised to learn that grandpa and grandma are not old fixtures from the past stuck in a corner, but they seem to have so much fun, why? Because they have learned how to live, after spending a lifetime learning how to make a living.
Grandchildren need private time with grandparents, without the parents around, so they can build relationships. When relationships are built children learn that grandpa can tell the funniest stories. He learns that grandma can sing; that the two of them can dance, tell jokes, and laugh until they cry.
They also learn that grandma and grandpa still go on dates and enjoy romance!
Relationships help grandchildren to learn the one important truth they need to know about life; how to live a fruitful life.

Erma Bombeck, an American humorist and columnist died in 1996.
Before her death she wrote the following about grandparents, 

"What is a grandparent?

They can always be counted upon to buy anything you're selling from all-purpose greeting cards to peanut brittle, from flower seeds to cookies, from transparent tape to ten chances on a pony.
A grandparent buys you gifts your mother says you don't need.
A grandparent pretends he doesn't know who you are on Halloween.
A grandparent will put a sweater on you when she is cold, feed you when she is hungry and put you to bed when she is tired.
A grandparent will check to see if you are crying when you are sound asleep.
A grandparent is the only baby-sitter who doesn't charge money to keep you.
A grandparent will believe you can read when you have the book upside down.
Perhaps the saddest words in all the world are, "I never knew my grandparents."

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spirit of God makes tough times easier to swallow.

Just as a little jelly makes a peanut butter sandwich a little sweeter and easier to swallow, there are several spiritual qualities, once acquired that can make even the toughest situation easier to swallow.
Just what is jelly anyway? It is usually made up of fruit and fruit pectin. It sometimes contains additional sugars for sweetness. It makes our taste buds happy and makes peanut butter digest better too.
In a peanut butter sandwich, jelly clarifies and sweetens.
That's the impact of the grace of God on each believer's life. Paul referred to the fruit of the spirit. These qualities are like jelly, they sweeten and make even difficult situations easier to swallow.
A joyful spirit, a spirit of long-suffering, an attitude of hope, a humble approach, good motivations, and a tempered response to all of life's situations make them easier to digest. Some have found that they present sweet opportunities for God to work in their lives. Instead of complaining they "count it all joy" because they are confident that all things, even peanut butter situations, will work to their good.
The fruit that makes life's jelly comes from the spirit of God. It's the kind of stuff that preserves saints. They store up faith and joy in little spiritual bottles then apply an ample portion whenever there is a peanut butter situation.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

God knows the names of everyone our faces!

  Have you paid close attention to the faces in a crowd? Anytime an important personality comes to town there are a variety of people that come out to meet him. Not everyone in the crowd is supportive. Some are critics. Some are skeptics. There are even enemies in the crowd. The rule is true of any crowd. If a popular preacher comes to town, there are faces in the crowd. If a rock star comes to town there are faces in the crowd. If an elected official comes to town, there are faces in the crowd; some smiling, some angry, some happy, some sad. Only the fool believes that all of the faces of any crowd are what they seem to be. The wise are well aware that among the variety of faces in the crowd is a mixture of optimism, pessimism, truth and deception. They all make up the faces in the crowd.
   Often sports events are broadcast on television. The stands are filled with thousands of people. Generally, the people are faceless until the network cameras zoom in close and we see the faces in the crowd. Sometimes we see the strangest things when the camera zeroes in on the individual faces in the crowd. Sometimes we see people cheering wildly. Sometimes we see a man sitting alone. Perhaps we see a father and a son or a group of seniors. Each person has his own reason for being present. Each face has its own story.
   What the world sees on Sunday is a savior who is uniquely familiar with the faces in the crowd. He is not oblivious to their struggles, fears and aspirations. It’s not the physical face that he sees. He’s not noticing our eyes, lips and our brows. He knows the face of disposition. He looks beyond our game face to see our inner face. He knows whether we are truly saved or whether or not we have the face of a believer but not the heart. He knows the face of our spirit. He is not adverse to our hopes and dreams. He sees and knows all about us and feels what we feel and weeps over our failures as he rejoices with our triumph.
    As Christians, we know we are not nameless faces to God. The God we serve knows us and is concerned about us in so many ways. We are more than just names, faces Andy Social Security numbers to him; we are children of the King.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Favor from God is a worthy goal!

To increase in favor WITH God is different from favor FROM God.
Favor with God indicates how God feels about us. Favor FROM God indicates what God has done for us based on how he feels about us.
Do not confuse favor with prosperity. A football player who has favor with the coach has earned his respect. He gets favor from the coach when he is called to get in the game. He is called in the game not so he can personally prosper but because he can help the team win. He can take a hit and may be flipped upside down but he can score. High pay and praise may be the result but that's not why he was put in the game.
We are trying to win the world for Christ. God selects us and endows us for a service because he knows we can take the world's best shots and still score. If we happen to prosper in the process, great but that's not why he put us in the game.
Why not strive to increase with favor in God. Let's say, "Put me in coach" I’m ready to be a witness.

Our lifestyle attracts godly favor!  To grow in favor with God means to live in such a way that God chooses us to be the main instruments of his will.
Associated with that selection, comes all the things necessary for us to achieve our purpose. Mary was a woman who found favor with God. She was humbled by the selection, because of that favor she found that she was protected, directed, provided for through his grace. Jesus increased in favor. It means that each year he become more subject to the will of God and more willing to give of himself to do what God wanted done.
Associated with that, despite being poor, the family carpentry business did well; resources became available to them thanks to unexpected gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh; and there were no reports of disharmony in their home.
The everyday life of Jesus' home brought favor upon him. The same can be said for us.
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Many things happen when God visits

God does actually visit the world in general and with people in particular.
Luke 1:78 indicates this great truth:Zacharias acknowledged the visit God to his family and the approaching visit of God to the world in the person of his Son Jesus.
David wondered what was so special about mankind that God would so closely watch each of us.
In Psalm 8:4 he asked, “Lord, what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?"
Psalm 8:4— There is power in the word “visited.” The word translated visited is from the Greek word episkeptomai – which means to go see about, lookout for and relieve. It indicates that when God visits he intends to check on us, see about us, lookout for us and relieve us.
God visited Adam in the garden to check on him. He visited Israel in the Wilderness to lookout for them. He visited Hezekiah in his sick room to relieve him.
Today, we should not be afraid for God to visit us but should invite him. When he comes he brings blessings and encouragement peace and hope.
That’s why some of the old warriors sang, “Spirit come in the building if you don’t stay long.”
When God visits he honors us with his presence.
We don’t want to miss an opportunity to visit with him that’s why we sing “Pass me not oh Gentle savior, hear my humble cry.
While on others thou are calling, do not pass me by.”
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Troubles can get in the way of your blessings!

Luke 1:12a says, "And when Zacharias saw him, he was troubled.."
Had it not been for the fact that he was troubled, Zacharias would have performed his priestly duties and shortly after would have blessed the people, but he was troubled.
In a similar manner there are many of us can't quite get it together because of troubles in our lives. We spend most of our lives responding to trouble. Bills, family problems, marriage problems, school problems, parents, children, bosses, losses, gains and pains all spell trouble. We tell ourselves that when we get through dealing with our troubles then we will have time to find the Lord. Instead of waiting until our troubles are over, the bible says when trouble comes that's one of the times we should look for the Lord, not afterwards. Psalm 27:5 says, "For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock." While trouble is rising we get it together, then. We should not try to wait until trouble is over to get ourselves together because we need to be together to deal with the trouble. Those who know the Lord agree with the song writer B. Chase Williams who said, "Trouble in my way. I have cry sometime. Lay awake at night, but that's alright. Jesus will fix it, afterwhile." Don't wait until your troubles end to start getting your life together; do it now.

What are you waiting for?

What's taking you so long?

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A good blessing saves the day!

Have you ever done something that saved the day? Most of us have had at least one experience of doing something that affected the outcome of something important. It may have been in an athletic competition or fast action taken in an emergency. It could have been an innovative idea you introduced to your employer or some other action that had the net result of saving the day. When we do what is necessary in a spectacular or extraordinary way, just in the moment of time, it's a special moment.
The 'Play of the Day" is a special feature of a sports cast in which commentators tell of special plays that made a difference in the outcome of a game. It's not unusual to see replays of 90 yard touchdown runs, or interceptions that have been returned for touch downs. As teams ready themselves for Super Bowl competition nothing would suit any team member better than to get an opportunity to make the "Play of the Day" in a super bowl contest.
A play of the day is a memorable moment. In 1998, the Fox News network showed an unbelievable play of the day. The play was from a high school basketball game between a big huge high school, and the smallest school in that division. The big school was heavily favored going in, but somehow, the small school managed to hang on throughout the game. Finally, there was only one second left in the game, the small school had the ball under their own net, and they were one point behind. They called time out and went over to confer with their coach. When they came back, one boy lined up with the ball outside the court. He slapped the ball before putting it into play. When he did, several of his teammates got down on all fours and starting barking like dogs. The players on the other team turned around to see what was going on. And when they did, the boy with the ball passed it to the team's ace shooter and he lofted it through the air. The clock ran out as the ball swished through the net to win the game. It was the play of the day.
A play of the day is an exciting moment. Sometimes players get so excited when they have made outstanding plays that they jump up and down with joy and demonstrate their excitement sometimes by dancing in the end zones, much to the anger of their owners and managers.
The greats of Super bowl history are known for making many great plays when it counts. From Bart Starr in 1967, Joe Namath in 1969, Doug Williams in 1988, to Tom Brady in 2002 to Dexter Jackson in 2003, football world has been fascinated with its most valuable players, those who repeatedly seem to be able to make the "play of the day."
God needs a few MVP's. Those who are willing to go out each day and, through faith, make the play of the day.
All of us are on God's team. He has devised a playbook and game plan for our eventual victory. Each of us should begin each day fired up, motivated and determined to make each day a victorious day for God.
As Christians, let us resolve to approach today and every day as a day of victory. A day when we resolve that "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!"
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Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (The Smart Mouse's Class on Cats)

Sometimes we can delude ourselves into believing that we know more than we actually know.
Consider the smart little mouse that knew more information than any mouse around. He read constantly and often led debates about the virtues of living the life of a mouse.
One day, since he had such great knowledge, he decided to conduct a class for the other mice. The class would teach them all he knew about Cats. He posted signs everywhere announcing his class.
The young mice were excited, because this was one of the smartest mice around. If anyone could help them learn about cats, he could.
On the day of the first class, the room was filled with little mice. However, there were no old mice present. Just the little ones. There was a big guy who came too.
He sat in the back of the room. The mouse proceeded to lecture the little mice about cats. The cat has nine lives. The cat has fur and great claws. The cat purrs and meows. The cat has peculiar looking eyes. He went on for many minutes.
Suddenly the guy in the back of the room stood and showed his teeth and started chasing all of the little mice.
The young mouse ran outside the room and barely escaped being clawed. Several days later the little mouse met a group of old mice and he asked them a question.
"Why didn't you attend my class on cats the other day?", he asked. One old mouse responded, "You know what the book says about cats, but you had never seen a cat yourself.
We didn't come to your class because we have seen cats and we know what cats eat for lunch!"

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Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Many Still Do Not Know The Lord)

There are many people who walk with Christ without knowing him. There are millions of people who have been associated with the church, work in its ministries, sing, pray and even attend its worships but do not know him.
There are many who are church members but are not Christians. They are members of a church but they are not a part of the body of Christ.
Is it possible to walk with a person and not know him or her? Is it possible to live in the same house with people and not know them?
Often people live with each other for many years only to discover a side of a mate that they had never known because the situation had never occurred. There are many who have never seen their mate cry or handle a devastating defeat or a debilitating sickness. Some are surprised to learn that they have been living with a stranger.
Even family members can get to be strangers in our own houses. We become strangers when we know little about each other's dreams, aspirations. Parents who are unfamiliar with the social lives of their children soon become strangers. Children who don't know their parents as something other than simply "parents" usually are strangers in the same house.
Even in a church it is possible to sit on the same pew with a person for years but not know much more than the person's name and what kind of work they do.
The men on the Emmaus Road had an excuse for not recognizing Christ instantly; they had not been around him much. But what excuse do we have for not recognizing the person who lives in the same house with us?
In 1972 Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes wrote a song entitled, "If you don't know me by now, you will never, never, never know me!" The same message was contained in a song by Roy Orbison entitled, "You Don't Know Me!" He sang about man who was really the best person for the woman of his dream but she took someone else's hand because "You don't know me."
Husbands and wives should get to know each other.
Co-workers should get to know each other.
Church members should get to know each other. In so doing, we are all better able to see how each is trying to work out their salvation in light of the walk on the Emmaus road.

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Believers See God in Every Situation)

The difference in the believer’s attitude and that of the non-believer is that we see the good in every situation.
Obviously, there is an inherent unfairness when a believer suffers a loss but a non-believer arises unscathed, but we are confident because we know that for believers, all situations work out to our advantage in the end.
It may be bad, but it is not all bad! It may look terrible, but it is not completely devastating.
Because the word of God reminds us that “all things work together for good for them that love the Lord and are the called, according to his purpose.”
That means there is a blessing in every problem, every tragedy, every storm, every attack, every loss and every devastation.
The devil meant adverse circumstances for our hurt but God makes them turn out for our God.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Godly Attitudes See Life Through Christian Glasses)

The March of Dimes has a video that is being shown to boys across the nation. It depicts a young man who gets a girl pregnant but tries to dodge his responsibility. While the teen mother goes through the troubles of child bearing he enjoys the good life until he purchases a pair of magic glasses that change his perspective.
While wearing the glasses he becomes a pregnant mother, experiences morning sickness, gives birth to a baby and his girl friend treats him coldly during and after the process. While wearing the magic glasses he was able to see things from the perspective of his girl friend and his life was never the same.
How do we see things in life? Do we see life through rose colored glasses? Is everything lovely or is everything dark?
Does every situation present an opportunity or do we see defeat on every hand.
The difference between the believer and the non-believer, for the most part, is in perspective. One sees life carnally. The other sees life with a spiritual eye.
Let us consider sunglasses again.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (We show spiritual growth by the way we talk and carry ourselves)

We show spiritual growth by the way we talk and carry ourselves

A mark of spiritual maturity, involves our conversation and general deportment.
No matter what we say, our actions speak louder than our words.
Our deportment is a peep hole to our souls that reveal hidden character secrets.
The kinds of words we use, what we make jokes about, what we discuss, the way we dress, walk and talk, all reveal our level of maturity.
The way we carry ourselves, to a large extent, reflects our spiritual maturity.
A spiritually mature Christian is aware that we are charged to "walk circumspect fully." That means we must walk and talk in ways that avoid even the appearance of evil. We are ambassadors of Christ 24/7.
This awareness does not come at a certain age in life; it comes when the Holy Spirit has awakened in a sensitivity within us that puts the demands of the cross ahead of our own.
When we reach that level, parents, friends and acquaintances instantly see a change in our conversation and our daily walk.
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Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Know God not Just His Words)

Know God not Just His Words

Is it possible to think you know a subject only to find out that you don't really know it at all?
Often, we approach life with the assumption that what we know about it is all consuming. We trust what we have read or seen on television to give us accurate images of what is or at least what should be. In our search for knowledge, often the very process itself substitutes as the objective rather than means to achieve an end. As such, some become perpetual students, never completing their education. There is a terminal end to their pursuit. They only hope to study and study more.
Sometimes we can delude ourselves into believing that we know more than we actually know.
In a similar sense there are many today that have accumulated immense Biblical knowledge about God, but their daily lives suggest that they really don't Him. They know that He is powerful. They know that He is all knowing. They know He is everywhere at the same time. They know that He is beyond comprehension. They know all that is written about Him, but they don't know Him for themselves.
As Christians, we understand that we must study about God. We must read His word and we must commit to memory as much as we can about His nature.
However, just as it is important to know about Him, then it is even more important for each individual to have a personal relationship with God.  Do you have a personal relationship with God?  Father I pray that the person reading this will accept and believe that Jesus Christ, your Son, died for their sins.  I pray that their sins are forgiven and that they will enter into a covenant with you daily as they seek your Kingdom.  Father I pray that they are blessed and delivered, & that you order their steps in their journey with you.  I pray these things and so much more in Jesus Name, Amen!

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Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm Just Saying (Waiting on the promises seems slow - Conclusion)

Have you ever waited for something promised to you but it took a long time coming?
Most of us have been recipients of promises. Many of us have waited, what seemed to be enormous amounts of time to receive something promised. There are some that are waiting on promised employment raises that seem elusive. Some are waiting on marriage proposals.
This season of the year, many children are waiting on a special day when they have been promised an exciting day, in return for a year of good behavior. It's a day that seems to come so slow. The clock seems to tick slower. The nights seem to get longer. The closer it gets, the slower that magic day seems to come. Whether we are children waiting for toys or bigger boys waiting for larger toys, when we are waiting for something, it seems to come slow.
We look for whatever has been promised and are disappointed when it doesn't come.
God made the world some promises. For hundreds of years the world waited for those promises to come true. God made many promises; since most of them had been fulfilled the Jewish people had no reason to believe that this promise would not be fulfilled. God promised Noah it would flood, and it did. He promised a rainbow, it came. He promised Joshua that sun would stand still, it did. He promised Moses that the Red Sea would roll back and it did. He also promised the world that he would send a savior, whose birth would be announced by a shining star. The people took him at that promise too and started searching for the star that would be the sign that God's promised had been fulfilled.
In Biblical times wise men searched for the savior. They searched by looking for his star. When they found the star, they knew that God's promise had been fulfilled. Today, wise men are still searching. They are searching, not necessarily for a specific star in the heavens, but for a sign that God is keeping promises made to the faithful.
As Christians, we rejoice in the knowledge that is not slack in his promises. We know that what he promises, he delivers. It may seem like a long time coming, but a promise from God is good as a blessing received.

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm Just Saying (Three Eggs and $10,000)

As we continue this week on promises I want to share an illustration:

A newly ordained preacher and his young wife were talking about being more considerate of each other.
The good wife promised that she would stop being so critical of his sleep-inducing sermons. He, in return, promised to honor her privacy and stop looking through her dresser drawers.
The preacher was true to his word, never looking through his wife's dresser drawers, and the good wife was never openly critical of her husband's sermons. Their marriage progressed smoothly.
After 50 years, their children gave a great party to celebrate the golden anniversary of the preacher and his wife.
Many people came to congratulate the happy couple.
That evening, as they were putting their anniversary gifts away, the preacher saw that his wife had left one dresser drawer slightly open. He tried as hard as he could to withstand the temptation, but he finally opened the drawer and looked inside.
There he found 3 eggs, and $10,000, in bills of varied denominations. He was greatly puzzled by this, and went to question his wife. "Oh," she said. "Well, you remember when we spoke of being more considerate with each other all those years ago?" The preacher, feeling profoundly guilty, answered, "Yes." "Well," she continued, "I promised to stop criticizing your boring sermons, but every time you gave a sermon that was a real snoozer, I put an egg into that drawer."
The preacher smiled. "Well, that's not so bad. Fifty years of sermons and only 3 eggs!
But what about all that money?"
His wife quietly responded, "Every time I got a dozen eggs, I sold them."

Bottom line.......Promises are made to be broken by people.  Have a great day!

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm Just Saying (God has expanded our boundaries, as we asked)

God has been faithful in his promise to open doors for us and to make opportunities for the abundant life available to true believers.
Jabez went to God and asked that he would expand his coasts and boundaries. God heard Jabez and made good on his promise, giving him exactly what he prayed for. As we reflect upon this year we see that God has given many of us exactly what we prayed for. He has kept his word. Many have recognized an increase in pay this year.
Some have expanded their boundaries to the point that they have taken advantage of job opportunities and other doors that were opened this year. The expanded boundaries are not limited to only the material.
There are many who have experienced stronger family relationships this year, in addition to other quality of life measures that cannot be ignored. God has been faithful to insure that many of the things we have asked for, we have received.

We should act on God's promises.  One way to glorify God is to rely heavily upon his promises.  We should act on God's promises. Romans 4:20 encourages every believer not to ”stagger” when it comes to trusting in God.  We glorify him when we show others, through our bold faith that we trust him completely.  In so doing we present ourselves as instruments to be used by him to prove his excellence to the unbelieving.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm Just Saying (God has kept his promise to us)

Those who keep their promises recognize that God has been good to them and has answered their prayers. The entire 66th Psalms testifies to the mighty works which God has done for David personally and for His people. He pledges to keep His promise out of gratitude for the mighty blessings God has showered upon him.
Today brothers and Sisters we keep our promises to God because it is our way of saying "thank you" for being so good to us!
We give thanks to God for: --Muzzling the mouths of lions that came to devour us! --Quenching the flames of fires that tried to destroy us! --Conquering the enemies that came to destroy us! --Penetrating the walls built to divide us! --Unlocking the prisons designed to hold us down.
The Lord we serve is worthy to be praised and worthy of the fulfillment of any promise that we make.
I don't know about you but I promised the Lord that I would hold out until the morning comes! When the morning comes, crying days will be over. When the morning comes, lonely days will come to an end. When the morning comes, the wicked will cease from troubling and the weary will be at rest.
I heard a songwriter declare: "I'm on the battlefield for my Lord, and I promised Him that I, would serve Him till I die!
I've got to keep telling the story! Strong winds may blow, but I must tell the world about Jesus! Jesus, who died on Calvary! Jesus, who rose on Sunday morning I started in Jesus and I'm going through!
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