Saturday, August 2, 2008

What we do for our children

First let me say how tired a sistah really is.........My son William has his 1st job and man those hours are killing me.  I am his ride to and from work until he gets his car. 
Anyway, its funny because I use to keep those very hours he is now working.  Staying up late to watch t.v., talk on the phone when I was in love or lust (keeping it real).  Whatever it was I could have stayed up all night. 
NOW........I can't even think about it.  The latest I can do is now 11 p.m.  and I betta get my eight hours.  I find myself counting the hours from eyes shutting close to when I need to be up.  Funny how you change the older you get.  So I stay up to drop him off and depending on when he gets off, anywhere from 2 am -6 am, I would wake up to go and get him.  Then I would fall back to sleep to grab whatever rest I can before my alarm goes off.  Wow!  Talk about dragging. 
So with all that said, imgaine how tired God is when we call him day and night.  Does God ever get tired?  I believe because of his love for us he does what parents do for their children.  He shakes his head, comfort us, loves us, scolds us, cry with us and wants the best for us but he wants us to come to him in truth, good, and bad. 
As a mother of three I thought I learned how to be a great mother, well guess what - I am still learning.  My boys have taught me a thing or two.  I know I couldn't have gotten this far without God being the head of my life.  I have to remember that in Matthew 11:28-30 tells us that  28-30"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
So Lord I pray that all parents have a special blessing sent on them as they read this.
Father God in the Name of Jesus we thank you!  For loving us unconditionally that you have blessed us with your son presence.  Thank you for watching over our sons our daughters giving the love and support you have given us parents.  Father we pray for the mothers and fathers who have buried their child or children.  Touch their hearts and provide them comfort.  Watch over our children as they begin the new school year.  Keep all bus drivers safe and current with the laws and regulation.  Watch over the teachers who spending the most part of the day with our kids.  Father I pray for the person who is reading this that they find everything and more just by calling on your name.  Bless their heart, their soul and their mind.  In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen.
Now, go get your child(ren) and show them some Godly love!  Be Bless.

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