Saturday, August 9, 2008

Excuse me........but you don’t know it all!!!!!!

I was talking to my 18 year old when I received a call about something he said to someone about his mom (me)!  Of course the caller had my attention that I was nosy enough to wonder what he was saying about me.  Well let's just say I was not a happy camper.......

I thought about what I would say to my son about the current situation we were facing.  (It seems like all of our conversation have been about his girlfriend)  However, this time was different. 

You see, I learned that my son wasn't telling the whole truth to me or to her.   (So for those of you parents who believe your children tell the truth to YOU....think again sweetie!)  He said things to her that he thought she would want to hear and he did the same thing to me.  Until he slipped, not gone tell you how, but I will say these were his words and not someone else. 

Anyway.......I was disappointed because I want him to be up front and honest with his feelings.  Somewhat like me.......seriously.  Why do you think one of my nickname is forealdoh (4 real dough) I earned that name for a reason. 

So I  thought I would sit down and talked with him again.  Of course the attitude of "I know everything" showed its ugly face.  But I told him.......

Your word is your bond.  People remember you by your words.  If you tell someone something that isn't true, you hurt that person.  If you mention something out of anger to another person about the person whom your talking bad about, you have created drama.  When you become this type of person you belittle you, which means your character can be tarnished. 

How many of us have said, "that boy/girl is a liar!"?  Its because they fell into this example of living.  Your word is your who you are as human being.  We all can take heed to this. 

When I feel strong about something or someone it will take the whole armor of God to convince me otherwise.  However, I will think things over and come to a decision I can live with. 

So this is for the "new" grown folks who are in their preteens.
1.  You don't know it all!

2. will forever learn something

3.  Parents are not slow, dumb, annoying, weak, or whatever other slang you use. Know that your parent(s), guardian is looking out for your best interest!

4.  Think before you do something stupid!

5.  Stand for something! If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

6.  RESPECT yourself and definitely respect your parents and elders.

7.  Have patience because it is a virtue.

8.  Pray.  It changes things.

9.  Wait on the things you've prayed for and what life has to offer.  If it is meant for you to have it, You Will!
and most importantly..........


Now, go some where and love on your parent(s), guardian and not your girl/boy friend.  lol 

Be Bless everyone.

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