Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Love You I Do!

I wish I could say what it is I am feeling today but I can’t.  I am feeling so down that it hurts to look out at the sky that is smiling on me.  Maybe it is due to the wear and tear of the soon to be dozen of trips to the doctor.  In my mind I am tired already!  Whew! 
I am at work after many hours of hard work catching a moment just to think.  I decided to write my blog for today.  I want to write on true love.  Not Lust but Love!
“For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in me shall not parish but have ever lasting life.” ~ John 3:16
Let’s ponder on that for a second…..He gave his ONLY son!  How many of us will give up a child knowing the outcome would be crucifixion?  Some of us won’t give a $1 to help the needy.  I find that such an amazement that God loves me that much to give his son just for our sins! 
So when my mom and dad never wants to show me love or tell me they love me……God does!
When my ex husband stopped loving me…..God does and forever will.
When my friends crucify me with their words…….God’s word showers my heart and soul with understanding and love.
When life kicks me down and make me feel like I am all alone and lonely………God is right there picking me up, dusting me off saying, I Love You!
When my church family has more mess in the church than the sinners do in the world: unavailable to be there for their sisters/brothers in Christ………God always sends the right person for the job.
When my co-workers are stressing me out and giving me a hard time……..God moves them out of my way.
So I am going to hold on to God’s unchanging hand and be stead fast in his anointing.  God Can!  God Will!  Thank you Lord for loving me unconditionally in spite of all my wrongs.  I Love You so much and so deeply.

Cheryl aka Forealdoh

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