Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Love You I Do!

I wish I could say what it is I am feeling today but I can’t.  I am feeling so down that it hurts to look out at the sky that is smiling on me.  Maybe it is due to the wear and tear of the soon to be dozen of trips to the doctor.  In my mind I am tired already!  Whew! 
I am at work after many hours of hard work catching a moment just to think.  I decided to write my blog for today.  I want to write on true love.  Not Lust but Love!
“For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in me shall not parish but have ever lasting life.” ~ John 3:16
Let’s ponder on that for a second…..He gave his ONLY son!  How many of us will give up a child knowing the outcome would be crucifixion?  Some of us won’t give a $1 to help the needy.  I find that such an amazement that God loves me that much to give his son just for our sins! 
So when my mom and dad never wants to show me love or tell me they love me……God does!
When my ex husband stopped loving me…..God does and forever will.
When my friends crucify me with their words…….God’s word showers my heart and soul with understanding and love.
When life kicks me down and make me feel like I am all alone and lonely………God is right there picking me up, dusting me off saying, I Love You!
When my church family has more mess in the church than the sinners do in the world: unavailable to be there for their sisters/brothers in Christ………God always sends the right person for the job.
When my co-workers are stressing me out and giving me a hard time……..God moves them out of my way.
So I am going to hold on to God’s unchanging hand and be stead fast in his anointing.  God Can!  God Will!  Thank you Lord for loving me unconditionally in spite of all my wrongs.  I Love You so much and so deeply.

Cheryl aka Forealdoh

Monday, August 25, 2008

Trials and Tribulations

What do you do or say when someone you know and love tells you they have cancer?  Do you say, "It's gon' be alright and God knows what is best", or, "WHAT!"?  Either way, I don't think there are any words that best fit the situation.

I laid in my bed last night thinking of everyone that suffers with this deadly disease.  I feel for them.  How many have succumbed  and how many have survived and are continually trying to survive.  

Someone told me yesterday to live my life to the fullest.  I am!  I will!  I am surely taking to heed to what trial and tribulations I may face in my life.  God is never wrong!  He loves me and I know he has a plan in store for me.  As I deal with my trail and tribulation I make this plea, this promise, this commitment to God and to the world. 
Lord when you bring you out with complete healing from head to toe, I will never STOP singing your praise.  You can take that the bank!!!!

I laid in my bed thinking how God blessed with a beautiful voice and I have not used it in years.  Now I am faced with voice loss and I can't stop singing.  Then it hit me!  Sometimes God allows you to grow through something for you to understand that you have unfinished business.  He will take away the very thing he blessed you with, in order for you to understand what your precious gift is.  In other words...USE IT or LOSE IT!

Pray for me as I prepare myself for battle!!!!

Be Blessed!

Friday, August 22, 2008

May God Bless YoU!

After I got off work, I went by my friend's home to pick up my bike.  He is such a gentleman.  I was so pleased with his heart for doing things just for me and for no reason.  He may done some small things but they meant a great deal to me.  I am not use to people being that nice to me without wanting something in return.  I asked him, "how much" and he replied with a look as if I am crazy for asking.  I was so impressed.  This was usually something I would have done for someone.  So after all that I couldn't help but think about his kind act all day and night.  Even when I was at the emergency room all night, I was satisfied with my thoughts of him.  He is so dear and special to me.  I make it a point to tell him every chance I get because we never know when we will depart this earthly place.  So this blog is dedicated to my dear friend who is very handsome, nice, supportive, gentle, adventurous, loving and a much more type of guy.  Thanks for all you do.  May God Bless you abundantly!!!!!!!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Blood of Jesus

Alright.........now I am on this straight and narrow path.  Trying to walk in the Christian faith.  Haven't opened the doors of the church, yet my body is trying to think outside of me.  I am surrounded by good looking men, one in particular that stands out above of the rest, provides much desire to sing "We Fall Down but we get up...".  My mind is telling me to Wait On GOD yet my body is saying Rock Me Tonight.  What is one to do? 

Well that is a great question..........I have prayed, rode my motorcycle hard, read my bible, prayed, talked with my girls, prayed harder, sleep, eat, work, rode, PRAYED and PRAYED until God sent me a "Do Not Disturb" sign down from heaven. 

For real tho, it's hard being on the straight and the narrow.  Everyone is coming out the woods to tell me how much I am this and that, folks who never thought about getting with me is laying it on thick. 

Ain't it funny!  I was so use to gettin it on the regular when I was married that now I ain't gettin it at all. (Yeah I know that sentence was ebonics but.....WHATEVA!)  NOT BECAUSE I CAN'T  but because God is the head of my life http://x.myspace.com/images/blog/smileys/naughty.gifand I know he has more in store for me because I am holding out for that special someone. 

The first time around, I done it all wrong.....this time...will be done right.  The man who gets my mind, body, and can become a part of my soul will be a happy man.  I know my worth and my value!  I don't nor won't take kindly to any man using me.  Whatever I am lacking in the world, baby I am rich in my after life.  So there is nothing any man can say that will let the lock on the doors of the church come unlock. 

Now with all that said, a sistah is still human and still have to fight the devil everyday because of this thing called temptation.    In
Matthew 26:41
"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."  The key word here is the body is weak.  THE BLOOD OF JESUS do I ever know it to be true. I am trying in all my might to be strong.  That is why it is great to have a strong foundation.  IF not in family surround yourself with someone who has that such as a close friend.  Christian Friend!  That particular guy I mentioned before, he is a wonderful man to me.  I mentioned this to him and he backed off and we are still cool with one another.  I have mad respect for him for respecting me.  Not that I don't mind or don't want to be with him, I just want to see where God is going with this.  If something comes from it...Great!  If not Great because I will still have gained a wonderful friend.  It is so good to grow and gain more wisdom.  It is that same wisdom coming from
2 Chronicles 1:12 NIV
therefore wisdom and knowledge will be given to you. And I will also give you wealth, riches and honor, such as no king who was before you ever had and none after you will have."
So my friends online who pray and seek out to God, keep me in your prayers as I do the thang!  Be Bless and oh thanks for all the emails on the blog topics.  Keep writing back, its encouraging!

Cheryl aka Forealdoh

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

God's Creation

Have you ever just taken the time to enjoy outdoors?  There is creativity all around us and we never stop to take time and look.  I was riding my motorcycle last night until 2:45 just basking in God's creation. From the moon, streets, lights, stars, people, vehicles, buildings you name it.  Can you imagine how things will be in the near future, would we live like the movie title, "The Fifth Element"?  I had all sorts of thoughts running through my head.  As me and my friends rode I couldn't help but be grateful of my blessings.  Five years ago I could barely walk.  Doctors was ready to through me away in the "disable" pile.  I fought back but I knew within that God created something inside me that was not meant to be thrown away on some illness.  So I thought different, prepared my mind differently and yes I prayed differently.  For others, For my enemies, church family and myself.  I begin to notice the creation in me and the uniqueness God purposely put in me!  WOW!  Isn't God good!!!  So I rode around just praising him along the ride.  So when the cars that had pulled out in front of us on three different occasions, I PRAISED HIM.  When one of us dropped the bike on the hill, I PRAISED HIM!  When we rode on the bumpiest and the most constructions sites Dayton had to offer, I PRAISED HIM!  When I hit up to 120 mph on the burg and no one just happened to pull out, I REALLY PRAISED HIM!  Not because of those circumstances alone of being safe but because he has trained me to become a better rider and person in his image.   Even after I made sure everyone was home, I rode the long way home.  Saw a man who need some spare change.  I reached in my pocket and gave it to him.  I PRAISE GOD for the opportunity to bless someone regardless of their need for the change.  Thank you Lord for watching over all my biker friends!!!!!  Thank you for allowing me to be your special creation!  (PS. Did anyone see the bright gleam from the sun yesterday?  I told my friend that God was smiling at me.  He said, "Why he smiling at you only?" I replied, "I AM Special!") http://x.myspace.com/images/blog/smileys/thoughtful.gif

Enough said. 

Be Bless everyone.