Friday, October 30, 2009

Random Thoughts...

Do people really belief there is no God? I mean seriously how do they think they wake up, on their own? If that is the case we would have power to resurrect ourselves when we die, better yet we would never die!

Do women really think that leaving nothing to the imagaination is really sexy and not sending the wrong message to our young daughters? What happen to respect for the temple?

Why does it seems that our bothers would degrade our sistahs by exploiting them in rounchy videos and by calling them out of their name? Would they want their mother, aunts, grandmothers or sisters treated like that?

Why do people seem to think that our children are better off being told by the government/state official that if they get chestised for their wrong that it's abuse? What will happen if they fall prey to the system? The courts will want their momma and daddies to step forward. For the record, lock me up cause ima whip my kids!

Where is the churches and school officials who use to be about community awareness with families coming together? You can not use their building unless money or something for them is involved. Don't you know that your suppose to be FOR the community?

Where are the mothers and fathers who put their kids first instead if themselves?

What make a parent think it's cute for their child to be so grown? Let them be kids, they'll have some time to see that being grown ain't all that!

Finally, what happened to customer service? Atittudes are flying in all directions! No one cares bout your needs or wants. Hello..... If you hate your job FIND ANOTHER ONE!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Marriage Works

Someone told my husband and I about a program that would help you with communication tools to enhance your marriage.  I thought that was a group of counselors sitting in a room listening and waiting for all the drama to come out.  I was wrong.  Marriage Works is a organization design to help and keep families together. 
Marriage Works! Ohio is a collaborative effort of diverse organizations united to help build healthy families and healthy communities throughout the Miami Valley of Ohio by providing marriage and relationship education for couples. 
Marriage Works! Ohio is currently funded by a Healthy Marriages Initiative Grant through the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
Marriage Works! Ohio offers a variety of classes and workshops for couples at every stage in their relationships, whether dating, living together, considering marriage, or married.

My husband and I have been taking all the classes offered to us and needless to say I have learned A LOT!  After 19 years of being with him, there was a lot of stuff I didn't know.  They have classes offered as well as one on one sessions with a staff.  Here are a list of some of their classes.
Marriage Enrichment
Visit the Marriage Enrichment page to learn more about classes and workshops if you are currently married.  Read class descriptions and see class schedules for the following classes:

Marriage Preparation
Visit the Marriage Preparation page to learn more about classes and workshops at every stage in your relationship, whether you're seriously dating, engaged, living together, considering marriage, or married!

We have taken advantage of this FREE program.  Yes I said Free!  I am writing about this because society has told us for years it's okay to divorce, it's okay to have affairs, lust after others, break up homes.  It is not okay to NOT give your partner and your relationship every resourceable information out there available.  Take back your marriage, take back the love that was once there but gone, call Marriage Work today.  I promise you it will be worth the ride.  To contact Marriage Works! Ohio
Marriage Works! Ohio
Administrative Office
2201 N. Main Street
Dayton, OH 45405

Phone: (937)262-7010
Marriage Works! Ohio Building
2201 N. Main St. Dayton, OH 45405
Toll-Free: 1-866-Live As 1 (1-866-548-3271)
Fax: (937)278-3163


PS I AM NOT GETTING PAID TO DISCUSS MARRIAGE WORKS but I am working for the Kingdom and spreading His good news.

Information from used by permission.

Living by Faith and Not by Sight

We live by faith, not by sight (II Corinthians 5:7)

How many times we have lived our lives by what we see.  The eyes can be very deceiving.  We need to walk by faith when we make major life decisions.
But what about the little decisions in life?
  • What about: when your husband or father raises his voice at you: How do you respond?
  • Or when you tell your child to take out the trash and he says, “Oh, Dad, why do I have to?”
  • Or a homeless man approaches you, and asks for help?
These aren’t major life decisions. These are day-by-day, hour-by-hour decisions. Life doesn’t seem to hinge on these decisions, as it does on marriage, or accepting a job. So can we walk by sight when making such decisions?

Every decision you make – every big decision, every small decision – is a step of faith or a step based on sight. All the decisions you make – from the decision about what job to take to how you respond to irritation, from the answer you give to a marriage proposal to how you respond to an email – all the decisions you make work together to determine who you are. All your decisions reflect your view of life, your view of God, your view of yourself.
Will you live a life of faith, walking by that faith, trusting God through Jesus Christ? Or will you live a life dependent on your own resources, figuring out how to work all things to your own advantage?
To our eyes, a life of faith seems a lot riskier. To walk by sight seems to make more sense. We see risks, and want to avoid them. We see pleasures, and want to pursue them.
But this chapter – and all of God’s Word – tells us the opposite. When we walk by faith, ultimately we will fulfill all our desires. When we walk by sight, ultimately we lose all we hoped to gain, all we worked for.
There are indeed dangers in the life of faith. There will be pain. But Proverbs 14:32 sums up the ultimate position:
32 The wicked is overthrown through his evildoing, but the righteous finds refuge in his death.
Do you see what this verse says? The wicked may appear powerful; they may appear successful. But in the end they are overthrown. The righteous may suffer – they may even die. But the righteous has refuge even in death. As Jesus said:
If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 35 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it. 36 For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Mark  8:34-36
  • Are you trying to save you life – and thus are well on down the road to losing it?
  • Are you out to gain all the world has to offer – and thus well on the way to forfeiting your life?
God offers you true life – in Jesus Christ. He will satisfy all your deepest desires – for He will give you true joy, true satisfaction, true security, true accomplishment, and true honor.
So see who God is – the source of all good gifts, all true joy. See how He rules the world – with perfect justice, magnifying His glory. And respond:
  • Repent of your sinfulness. Turn from it. Hate it.
  • Repent of your attempts to run your own life.
  • Throw yourself on the mercy of God through Jesus Christ.
  • Trust that His sacrifice on the cross paid the penalty for all your sinfulness.
Look to Him for your joy. And walk by faith, not by sight.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

God's Creation

Have you ever just taken the time to enjoy outdoors?  There is creativity all around us and we never stop to take time and look.  I was riding my motorcycle one night until 2:45 a.m. just basking in God's creation. From the moon, streets, lights, stars, people, vehicles, buildings you name it.  Can you imagine how things will be in the near future, would we live like the movie title, "The Fifth Element"?  I had all sorts of thoughts running through my head.  As me and my friends rode I couldn't help but be grateful of my blessings.  Five years ago I could barely walk.  Doctors was ready to through me away in the "disable" pile.  I fought back but I knew within that God created something inside me that was not meant to be thrown away on some illness.  So I thought different, prepared my mind differently and yes I prayed differently;  for others, for my enemies, church family and myself.  I begin to notice the creation in me and the uniqueness God purposely put in me!  WOW!  Isn't God good!!!  So I rode around just praising him along the ride.  So when the cars that had pulled out in front of us on three different occasions, I PRAISED HIM.  When one of us dropped the bike on the hill, I PRAISED HIM!  When we rode on the bumpiest and the most constructions sites Dayton had to offer, I PRAISED HIM!  When I hit up to 120 mph on the burg and no one just happened to pull out, I REALLY PRAISED HIM!  Not because of those circumstances alone of being safe but because he has trained me to become a better rider and person in his image.   Even after I made sure everyone was home, I rode the long way home.  Saw a man who need some spare change.  I reached in my pocket and gave it to him.  I PRAISE GOD for the opportunity to bless someone regardless of their need for the change.  Thank you Lord for watching over all my biker friends!!!!!  Thank you for allowing me to be your special creation!  Thank you sooooo much for just being able to know you no matter what my circumstances are.

Enough said. 

Be Bless everyone.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Love You

No matter how many times you turn back on me - I Love You!
No matter how many times you allow the enemy to use you, abuse you, mistreat you and others in surrounding. I Love You.
Every time you turn your nose up at the person I send to meet you at your path of crossing, I Love You.
When you refuse to attend service at my house and even at your own, I Love You.
Every curse word,
Every evil thing you have done to someone,
The lies you told,
The hearts you broke,
The gossiping,
The disrespect you have shown to your elders, your parents and even to yourself.
My leaders who are put in place to teach & reach and you turned a deaf ear to them.
Even when you refuse to believe that my son is the only reason why I haven't taken you out yet, I Love You!
Every time you do the very things that hurts me, I bow my head with great sadness because I Love You that much to let you make your OWN decision of where you want to live eternally. I guess you won't be coming with me.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


If I can have you with me all the time, I would be glued to you.
If I can keep you safe wrapped in my love, my arms, my heart and soul without ever hurting you, I would keep you safe.
If I can be with you without the doubts, concerns, pass heart aches, I would be with you forever.
If I can promise you that I would never make a mistake or hurt your heart or pride, I would make that promise.
If I can look into your eyes and provide you with my thoughts, my desires, my wants and you feel my love instantly without a doubt, I would stare into your eyes forever.
If I tell you that I will love you forever and mean it from my heart, believe me.
If I say I will try to spare your heart from being broken, I will try harder to not hurt you.
If I love you today I know that I will ALWAYS love you tomorrow because that is forever with you.
If I am not around you I want you to know that I am thinking of you, desiring you, most importantly still loving you.
If I make a fool of myself trying to love you at all times, I guess that makes me a sucker for love.
If I have the need to be please, I will depend on you.
All the if’s in the world can’t stop me from being in love with you.  I love you always!

Especially written for my husband

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Test of The Heart

Proverbs 17:3  Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the LORD tests the heart.

It takes intense heat to purify gold and silver.  Similarly, it often takes the heat of trials for the Christian to be purified. Through trails, God shows us what is in us and clears out anything that gets in the way of complete trust in him.  Peter says, "These trials will show that your faith is genuine.  It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold-through your faith is far more precious than mere gold" (1 Peter 1:7).  So when tough times come your way, realize God wants to use them to refine your faith and purify your heart.

No matter what it looks like just know that God is wanting to see your faithfulness, your dedication to serve Him.  So hold on, be steadfast and unmoveable when all hell breaks loose.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Old Testament
Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:14   (vs. 1:10) “Therefore remove sorrow from your heart, And put away evil from your flesh. For childhood and youth are vanity.”
Ecclesiastes 12:1 “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth….”
Ecclesiastes 12:6 “Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed…”

New Testament
I Corinthians 11:1-16 “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” 
There was a little girl who they called Punkin.  Skin so dry, wrinkled, and always broke out.  Her hair was fine but no one could really tell because it was always broken out with bald spots.  She couldn’t do the things most little girls her age could do because she was always sick.  The other kids made fun of her while her sister and brothers hardly claim her.  Father was absent and mother was present in the home but was better off away from home.  You see, her mother was not the motherly kind.  She showed favoritism to the younger two a boy and a girl and forgot about Punkin and her older brother.  God blessed her with 4 children but she acted as if she had 2.  Punkin wanted to be so much like her mother that she began wearing her makeup like her mother.  She even went as far as mocking her mother by the way she walked, her talk, and yes her habits.  Her mother wasn’t having that so she began telling her daughter how she look in a negative way.  Punkin had on a pair of blue jeans with ruffle socks and blue pumps.  Her hair was pulled straight back into a pony tail while wearing a pink and blue blouse.  Wanting to show off her new make over she walked into a room full of family and friends and her mother loudly stated that Punkin looked like she belonged on third and main.  At 13 years old, Punkin was no longer trying to reach her mother.  She withdrew, became hateful and evil especially to her brothers and sister.  Until summer day, her grandmother took notice about the girl who nobody seem to want to be bothered with.  Grandma was a Evangalist who served God all her life.  Her mother was a saved woman of God and Grandma saw something in Punkin that no one else saw.  Beauty! Vanity!  Wisdom! but heart who will love hard and give unselfishly.  Punkin got baptized and terry for the Holy Ghost July 27, 1984 at the First Bibleway Pentecostal Church of God in Christ in Oxford Ohio under the leadership of the late Lenora Jenkins.  Through her many struggles in life, she stayed close to Grandma and very close to God.  Today, the girl who they once called Punkin is now called by her birth name, Cheryl A. DeVaughn.  It is an honor to meet you!

  • In Webster dictionary the word vanity is 1 : something that is vain, empty, or valueless 2 : the quality or fact of being vain 3 : inflated pride in oneself or one's  appearance : conceit 4 : a fashionable trifle or knickknack 5 a : 3compact a b : a small case or handbag for toilet articles used by women 6 a : dressing table b : a bathroom cabinet containing a sink and usually having a countertop
When I was Punkin I was vain, empty and trying to find me but in the process began loosing the light in my own life.  But God sent me an angel to walk with me, talk with me, show me how to call upon the name of Jesus.  Had it not been for God’s grace I don’t know where I’d be.  When Grandma took me to church something deep down inside of me woke up.  I yearned to hold on to God’s hand especially when my summer vacation ended and I had to go back home.  God knew the path I was going to take before I was even thought of.  The key was to standing on his word, praying and forgiving those who persecute me.  When Grandma opened the door for me to know Christ she was allowing God to remove the sorrow from my heart and giving  me the tools  which is to pray and call on the name of Jesus by putting away evil from my flesh.  She knew my childhood and youth were vanity! 
So I had to suffer, go through some things that some folks would have probably taken their own lives but God had his hand on me when I couldn’t through my hands up and say “HALLELUJAH”  The good thing about growing up Pentecostal is the foundation of fearing God.  The strictness of the church provided discipline.  So when I would hear or read, “Fear God and keep His commandments for this man’s all.  For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing Whether good or evil” has a little girl scared to think evil thoughts.  Yet it was those sayings that kept my soul flourished,
So I no longer wanted to imitate my mother for now I saw the perfect person to imitate.  God!  My Grandmother is the most important person to me and I am so grateful to God for allowing her to be my Gannie!  When I was young and even today, she has always said I would follow in her footsteps.  I have some pretty big shoes to fill.  But I accept her vision and embrace God’s will for me.  Had it not been for Granny imitating Christ and seeing my vanity I don’t believe I could have been a good mother, a good wife a loving anything.  When I turned 21 I decided to take my name back.  I stopped answering to the name of Punkin because that name was associated with too much hurt, too much pain.  I released the silver cord as I had done when I gave my life to Christ.   What is a Silver cord it is in metaphysical literature a term referring to the connection between the physical body, astral body, and Higher Self.  Sometimes you have a out of body experience where you can see yourself and the things around you in a better light so when you come back to reality you make the necessary changes.  This life we are living is the most precious thing God entrusted us with.  Why are we wasting time throwing it away on foolish things?  Why are children being abused? Children growing up too fast because the parents have lost their way, lose their mind, lost their religion and stop believing.  Kids killing one another because no one sees the vanity that is within desiring to helped.  We have the government and the liberal organizations telling we shouldn’t pray in schools or in the court house.  The bible says I will BLESS THE LORD AT ALL TIMES and HIS PRAISE SHALL CONTINUALLY BE IN MY MOUTH ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE not I will bless the Lord when the government tells me.  Nothing or no one will stop me from praising Him!
When I cut the silver cord on my pass, I stopped the hurt to myself and many of us need to know how to cut off the hurt.  I am not talking about the person we need to pray for those who trespass against us.  The hurt is something the devil will hold on to just so he can use it against you……”he's going to hurt you as soon as he can”, “She don’t love you”, The devil wants us to be insecure with our walk with Christ.  We can’t say we believe in God in one breath and in the next say “I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M GONNA DO”  Where is the I in God?  He don’t need your help.  You need his.  Let God do a work in you and through you so you can bring up a child to know him.  It is better to fear God more than fearing this world!  So what is the plan…..“...keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”   This is the bottom line to all of the arguments presented throughout the book of Ecclesiastes!  This again points back to verse 1: “Remember your creator in the days of your youth” ... those who do will obey God’s commands all their lives!  What we lay down as our foundation for life in our youth is what will drive us throughout our lifetime!  Those who remember God in their youth are likely to make His commandments their rule for living!  This will bring a harvest of spiritual fruit and thus satisfaction in old age.  This will enable us to handle life from an eternal perspective which is a much broader frame of mind than just the here and now!  Our plans will be built on whatever foundation we set in youth, remembering our Creator God will ensure that our plans include Him throughout our life, and His commands.  It is our duty to obey God’s ways if we want the best here and now, as well as then!
If you have forgotten your creator in your youth you are not likely to remember Him in your old age.  It is never too late however, just tear down the bad foundation and start building the right one now, it is never too late, but how much better to do this in youth!

Every house has a foundation, without one it could not be stable or stay standing for long.  It will have to stand against storms, earthquakes, weathering. Etc.  The better the foundation, the more durable the house, the same is true in life, if we establish an early found­ation based on a relationship with God we will more easily endure the storms of life.  The patterns of our life are set in youth, so set them in Christ!  This is what it means to “REMEMBER YOUR CREATOR IN THE DAYS OF YOUR YOUTH!”

Friday, July 31, 2009

No Matter What.........

"Our giving is no longer a debt that we owe, but a seed that we sow."
"The great tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer."

"Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you." Luke 6:38

Devotional Reading
Old Testament - Deuteronomy Chapter 27(ALL) and Chapter 28:68, Psalm 39:12-13, Proverbs 13:7, 8
New Testament - Luke 6:27-49

As I thought about the good times and all the ups and down life has thrown my way, I realized I have so much to be thankful for. I survived my father not being there, my mother and the drugs she use to be on, the difference my family made between my sister and I, being sick all my life, rape, molestation and the many knives that was placed in my back and much more. I also survived all the mess I took innocent people through and the hurt I purposely gave to those who brought harm my way. Until I realize GOD for the truthfulness and loveliness he provides and provided all my life. Even in the midst of my wrong doing, I had someone, something to call my own whether I realized it or not. God giving his son for little ole me is enough to bring tears to my eyes. No person alive or dead can show me that much love, maybe a pinch but there is None Greater than the love of God.

I write all that to say.......No matter what you are faced with, death of a loved, job loss, financial burden, lack of wants/needs, uncertainty don't let the devil in hell steal the one good thing you have. Your PRAISE!!! God is waiting for you to clap your hands in his honor, sing with joy, shout in His name giving him the highest praise, HALLELUJAH!!!!!

If you want God to move, you must first move. You can not make a plug, plug itself into the outlet. God don't need you, it is the other way around. When His day is not right, he don't come looking for you. When your day isn't right or something happen you are calling on him! No matter what, STOP taking God for granted and learn to love and appreciate him NOW! No matter what, love yourself and then love your neighbors! No matter what, help those less fortunate and bless those who don't need it. Let me explain, when you help those less fortunate we do the work required by God; but when we bless those who is already blessed their blessings bestowed upon them is now also on you. The key to life is blessing! No matter what, be a blessing to someone!!!!

God Bless and I pray I have Blessed someone whose reading this.
Cheryl aka Forealdoh (4 Real Doh) :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Go and hug "YOUR MICHAEL" by Maya Angelou...

I had to repost this to the one place I could blog. 
Be Blessed

Go and hug "YOUR MICHAEL"
by Maya Angelou...

Yesterday I cried watching the Michael Jackson memorial. I cried for
a little
black boy who felt the world didn't understand him. I cried
for a little black
boy who spent his adulthood chasing his childhood.
And I thought about all the
young black boys out there who may too feel
that the world doesn't understand
them. The ones who feel that the world
does not understand their baggy jeans,
their swagger, their music, their
anger, their struggles, their fears or the
chip on their shoulder. I
worry that my son, may too, one day will feel lonely
in a wide, wide world.

I cried for the young children of all colors who may live their life feeling
like a misfit, feeling like no one understands their perspective, or their soul.
What a burden to carry.

As a mother, I cried for Katherine Jackson because no mother should ever bury a
child. Period. And I think about all the pain, tears and sleepless nights that
she must have endured seeing her baby boy in inner pain, seeing him struggle
with his self-esteem, and his insecurities and to know he often felt unloved
even while the world loved him deeply. How does it feel to think that the
unconditional love we give as mothers just isn't enough to make our children
feel whole? I wonder if she still suffers thinking, "what more could I have
done?" Even moms of music legends aren't immune to mommy guilt, I suppose.

When Rev. Al Sharpton ("who always delivers one" awesome "funeral speech") said
to Michael's children, "Your daddy was not strange....It was strange what your
Daddy had to deal with," I thought of all the "strange" things of the world that
my children will have to deal with. Better yet, the things I hope they won't
ever have to deal with anymore.

And as a mother raising a young black boy, I feel recommitted and yet a little
confused as to how to make sure my son is sure enough within himself to take on
the world. Especially a "strange" one. To love himself enough to know that even
when the world doesn't understand you, tries to force you into its mold or
treats you unkindly, you are still beautiful, strong and Black. How do I do

Today, I am taking back "childhood" as an inalienable right for every brown
little one. In a world, that makes children into booty-shaking, mini-adults long
before their time, I'm reclaiming the playful, innocent, run-around-outside,
childhood as the key ingredient in raising confident adults. Second, I will not
rest until my little black boy, MY Michael, knows that his broad nose is
beautiful, his chocolately brown skin is beautiful, and his thick hair is

And nothing or no one can ever take that away from him.

"Now aint we bad? And ain't we black? And ain't we fine?
---Maya Angelou

My Love

From the moment I laid eyes upon you, I was caught without a breath. For just a simple moment I realized I have found my soul mate. The mate God made just for me. A love so new, so old and yes new again. A friend I have longed for and needed so bad. My love for you is stronger than ever and because of the love God has shown me and I able to love you with that same love. I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will always love you tomorrow my love.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Many of us can judge what we haven't gone through.  However, I say let God judge and until you live with someone your vote don't count.  If you don't know a person, your vote don't count.  I know who I am as a woman, as a mother, as a woman of God.  Do you know yourself?  Are you living your life to your full potential?  No one will EVER take away my peace.  That included my children.

Okay with said, I have three sons. My oldest one has always been the one who gives no drama, no back talk, and loving towards me.  If he has something bad to say, HE DON'T.  As a man today, he has become selfish, self centered, but yet he is a go getter.  He make sure he has a job no matter what!  He is a caring man who still has room for improvements.  Like we ALL do.

My middle son is very out spoken and disrespectful.  He thinks he can say and do whatever he likes, to me.  His father taught him well.  However, the man his dad is today is not the same man as he was back then.  He is a Godly man who loves unselfishly.  My child has called me out of my name before and has NEVER apologize for it.  This same child has manipulated anyone to get what he want, when he want.  If he didn't want to mind me or do something......he'd play on that and BAM!  He didn't do it.  He wants his ego stroke at all times.  Never one to hear anything bad about himself he will say and do whatever he wants to make sure you are hurt.

Now my youngest........he is a pistol.  Attitude problem, back talker and yes disrespectful yet he is very loving and sensitive and kind hearted.  If you come at him wrong, watch out!  It seems like he does what the majority do.  Never one to take the lead - he follows.  It always seemed like him and the middle son would walk the same line.

All my kids have good things I love about them but I promise you I am getting to the point.  I am not writing this to dog my children but to use them as an example of the many times they have hurt me as their mother.  The bible says to "honor thy mother and father".  Rather one birth, adopt, be a step mom whatever.  Respect is respect.  It also says for parents not to provoke your children......enough said.

Now, when I begged, borrowed, and stole to raise my kids.....I earned my respect!  When I drove clear across town to take them to and from school, when they could have walked home, I earned my respect!  For every time I fought my family, their family, and friends for raising children that were not mine......I earned my respect.  Every time a fight broke out and I stayed to continue to raise them.....I earned my respect.  When I ran all over town just so their dad can get custody of them......I earned my respect!  Every time someone laid their hands on me......I earned my respect!  For every time I was sick, unable to care for me I was still able to care and provide for them......I earned my respect.  When they had no money, no job, used my car endlessly, my home like it was theirs after they got grown.....I earned my respect!  and earned it in many more ways!

So if I want to talk bad about you....I will!  If I want to knock you out.....I will!  If I want to call you trifling when you know you are.....I will!  After all my sweat, tears, work, undying love, sacrifice, commitment, and honor to each and everyone of you.....I will not let any of you talk crazy to me. 

This morning as I was driving to work, I felt compelled to write this blog.  I was praying when God showed me how he provided his Son to be a sacrifice for each and everyone of us on earth.  As the Easter Monday rain falls, I wondered if its God crying for the many people on Earth who refuse to show him respect, honor, love, & be committed to Him.  So as I prayed that my heart don't turn to stone towards my grown children, God let me know he has not turned his heart to stone for the unsaved.  So I changed my prayers to wanting God to bless my children  hearts, their minds, and most importantly their souls.  Leaving the rest to him. 

God gave me so much and if my grown children can't make something out of their life, guess what, it's not my fault.  I raised you and I done it well with all my might.  You are grown now- act like it.  Just as God love me every time I fell and stumbled, I love them the same.  But what I won't do is allow them to tear down my spirit. Respect is not giving - it is earned!  You may not like what I have to say but respect me. I love you just as Christ loves me.


Friday, April 10, 2009

The players game is something that most of us has played or is playing.  No one wants to be played but doesn’t mind being the playa.  The saying, “if its good enough for you, then it’s good enough for me” is one too many female  playas attitude have formed.  Guys just say, “Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.”  Whateva!
I think a playa is a person who wants to be important but are not to those who matter.  That is just my opinion.  I believe if you are a true playa every person in the game will know about the other and will be upfront and direct.  Should the person being played decide to stick it out with the playa then they pay to play.  No fault on the playa.
I think there are some rules that should apply to all playas!!!!
1.  Leave a married person alone.  No matter what their situation is.  God honors marriages and no one outside that union should interfere.
2.  Protect yourself and others and strap it up.  Females carry protection or you will be sorry.
3.  Be honest. Be unselfish.
4.  Your best friend mate is off limits.  If you are a playa you should be able to pull anyone beside someone closes to your friend.
5.  No ex family members!  That only makes you a dogg!
6.  Never take one of the played to a spot where another played will be.  You not only a dummy but your playa card should be revoked.
7.  Schedule your time wisely. 
8.  Have fun!
With that said, know that you to can become the played at any time.  Play fair and play safe.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


It has been a hectic few weeks for me and my son.  Now that he is home, its the mental part of being gutted like a fish that has his mind messed up.  I see the depression sitting upon shoulders.  I prayed harder for his healing mentally and physically.  Then God revealed to me that all that my child has been going through in the last few months, have been a spiritual battle long before a mental or physical battle.  They just enhanced the feelings that were already inside.   My son and I talked and I let him be the little boy I
raised for a moment.  I allowed him to cry it out, shout it out, talk it out just as long as it was out of him.  Then I shared with him the scriptures on depressions and what God wanted him to do for himself.  I told him God has a calling on his life and he needs to complete it.  I can' t make him do nothing but as a Christian and a mother, it is my duty to follow God.  I left my son to think about the blessings that has been bestowed upon his life.  When I went back into his room, he was looking totally different.  I knew in my heart he reached out to God and just like that my son was finally home!

Never throw in the towel no matter how hard it is.  Single mothers hold on with all your might when raising a young man.  If the father is absent expect some issue to rise.  I  learned that the attitude, disrespect etc that comes from a child is not you.  It is the built up of not being able to release it to whom it belong.  God knows.  Hold on and don't let go.
Be Bless.


Update On My Son

Things with William is not good at the moment.  Doctors have no clue what is wrong with him except that fluid keeps rising around the heart and that he now have a thickening between the sac and the heart.  So the surgery that was to take place yesterday is now taking place today with a whole new surgical procedure than previous planned.  He will have tubes in him for a few days to keep the fluid drained, a biopsy on the sac and Infectious disease control will come and examine things from there.  We are hoping they will be able to tell us why and how this happen.  All tests the doctors has ran has been negative so they are puzzled.  They also told me that William is a rare case and the youngest for this type situation.  He is in need for a lot of prayers.  I thank you for those prayers.  I gotta go but I will keep in touch with you.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Me Not For Real........

Someone wrote me an email and said I am not foreal.  Psst!  You really don't know me.  So let me set the record straight for all you haters hating on me.  I am foreal in more ways than one.

1.  I say what is on my mind!  What you see is what you get!
2.  If you wrong me or someone I am the first to let it be known.
3.  If I make a mistake or hurt someone feelings (not on purpose) I say I'm sorry and acknowledge my fault.
4.  If I say I am going to do something....I do it!
5.  If a person is in need and I can help out in some way, I do it!
6.  I speak from the heart and love from the soul!
7.  I treat people with respect and show how grateful I am when they help me out.
8.  When I say I live my life with out drama, that means I am drama free.
9.  I take no punches and except no bull.
10.  If you dish it out to me prepare to receive it back ten times fold.
11.  Hate it or leave it I am the most sincere, honest, truest friend, who
is very out spoken, kind hearted, loving woman you would ever met.
That makes me foreal!  Now you get over yourself because I ain't on you!
