Friday, July 31, 2009

No Matter What.........

"Our giving is no longer a debt that we owe, but a seed that we sow."
"The great tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer."

"Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you." Luke 6:38

Devotional Reading
Old Testament - Deuteronomy Chapter 27(ALL) and Chapter 28:68, Psalm 39:12-13, Proverbs 13:7, 8
New Testament - Luke 6:27-49

As I thought about the good times and all the ups and down life has thrown my way, I realized I have so much to be thankful for. I survived my father not being there, my mother and the drugs she use to be on, the difference my family made between my sister and I, being sick all my life, rape, molestation and the many knives that was placed in my back and much more. I also survived all the mess I took innocent people through and the hurt I purposely gave to those who brought harm my way. Until I realize GOD for the truthfulness and loveliness he provides and provided all my life. Even in the midst of my wrong doing, I had someone, something to call my own whether I realized it or not. God giving his son for little ole me is enough to bring tears to my eyes. No person alive or dead can show me that much love, maybe a pinch but there is None Greater than the love of God.

I write all that to say.......No matter what you are faced with, death of a loved, job loss, financial burden, lack of wants/needs, uncertainty don't let the devil in hell steal the one good thing you have. Your PRAISE!!! God is waiting for you to clap your hands in his honor, sing with joy, shout in His name giving him the highest praise, HALLELUJAH!!!!!

If you want God to move, you must first move. You can not make a plug, plug itself into the outlet. God don't need you, it is the other way around. When His day is not right, he don't come looking for you. When your day isn't right or something happen you are calling on him! No matter what, STOP taking God for granted and learn to love and appreciate him NOW! No matter what, love yourself and then love your neighbors! No matter what, help those less fortunate and bless those who don't need it. Let me explain, when you help those less fortunate we do the work required by God; but when we bless those who is already blessed their blessings bestowed upon them is now also on you. The key to life is blessing! No matter what, be a blessing to someone!!!!

God Bless and I pray I have Blessed someone whose reading this.
Cheryl aka Forealdoh (4 Real Doh) :)

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