Friday, October 30, 2009

Random Thoughts...

Do people really belief there is no God? I mean seriously how do they think they wake up, on their own? If that is the case we would have power to resurrect ourselves when we die, better yet we would never die!

Do women really think that leaving nothing to the imagaination is really sexy and not sending the wrong message to our young daughters? What happen to respect for the temple?

Why does it seems that our bothers would degrade our sistahs by exploiting them in rounchy videos and by calling them out of their name? Would they want their mother, aunts, grandmothers or sisters treated like that?

Why do people seem to think that our children are better off being told by the government/state official that if they get chestised for their wrong that it's abuse? What will happen if they fall prey to the system? The courts will want their momma and daddies to step forward. For the record, lock me up cause ima whip my kids!

Where is the churches and school officials who use to be about community awareness with families coming together? You can not use their building unless money or something for them is involved. Don't you know that your suppose to be FOR the community?

Where are the mothers and fathers who put their kids first instead if themselves?

What make a parent think it's cute for their child to be so grown? Let them be kids, they'll have some time to see that being grown ain't all that!

Finally, what happened to customer service? Atittudes are flying in all directions! No one cares bout your needs or wants. Hello..... If you hate your job FIND ANOTHER ONE!

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