Friday, April 10, 2009

The players game is something that most of us has played or is playing.  No one wants to be played but doesn’t mind being the playa.  The saying, “if its good enough for you, then it’s good enough for me” is one too many female  playas attitude have formed.  Guys just say, “Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.”  Whateva!
I think a playa is a person who wants to be important but are not to those who matter.  That is just my opinion.  I believe if you are a true playa every person in the game will know about the other and will be upfront and direct.  Should the person being played decide to stick it out with the playa then they pay to play.  No fault on the playa.
I think there are some rules that should apply to all playas!!!!
1.  Leave a married person alone.  No matter what their situation is.  God honors marriages and no one outside that union should interfere.
2.  Protect yourself and others and strap it up.  Females carry protection or you will be sorry.
3.  Be honest. Be unselfish.
4.  Your best friend mate is off limits.  If you are a playa you should be able to pull anyone beside someone closes to your friend.
5.  No ex family members!  That only makes you a dogg!
6.  Never take one of the played to a spot where another played will be.  You not only a dummy but your playa card should be revoked.
7.  Schedule your time wisely. 
8.  Have fun!
With that said, know that you to can become the played at any time.  Play fair and play safe.

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