Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm Just Saying! (Why?)

I was driving from meetings to meetings yesterday and saw people on the streets when my mind became to think on these things.......

Why do women ask for a good man but turn around mistreat him?  I wonder if you really know what a good man is if he was standing under your dress.  Take some time and see the good in a man instead of what he don't have.  You may miss out on Mr. Right and end up with Mr. Wrong.  I'm Just Saying!

Why do women think its better to show it all than to leave something to the imagination?  Are you scared that all you are worth is what your momma gave you?  Watch how you present yourself to the world, you may attract strange predators.  I'm Just Saying!

When did it become cute to see women cussing like sailors?  What happen to being a lady?  Why does every other word out of your mouth have to be so vulgar?  Talking like that doesn't make you smarter or cuter, it makes you ignorant!  Learn how to talk properly without the cuss words and perhaps people will take you serious.  I'm Just Saying!

What is with the smoking and drinking with our people?  I mean, if you stop abusing your body and clear your head for a second you may be able to see that the problem of not working is not the man faults but your own.  How do you expect to get a job with dirty drug test?  YOU CAN'T!!!  If you looking for a high.....TRY JESUS!!!  It gets no higher than Christ!  I'm Just Saying!

Why did we as parents think it was such a good ideal to give our kids everything they want growing up and now that they are grown they are worthless in the world?  We need to go back to the basics in life.  Spending quality time with our kids instead of them always out.  Cellphones, computers, mp3s, video games wasn't an option and I truly believe when those items came into play the last of the "go get" generation died.  I'm Just Saying!

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