Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Do Not Touch My Anointed Prayer

When all else fails,  P R A Y!!!!  Satan is busy!!!!  He is trying his best to kill, steal and destroy. What God gives he can take away.  When you are faced with trial and tribulations always turn it over to God.  Here's a prayer you can pray when the devil have you against a wall.

Father, I come to you with praise and Thanksgiving.  I humble myself before you as your anointed child.  I plead my cause, O'Lord, with those that strive against me.  Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me.  Let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise m hurt. Let them be chaff before the wind and let the angel of the Lord chase them from my presence.  They have become false witnesses and have raised up against me charging me with things that I have not done.  Lord, I ask you to send your ministering angels and ask you to place your hedge of protection around me from my enemies according to Job 1:10.  Lord how long will you look on and do nothing.  You declare in Psalm 105:15 that no one is to touch your anointed and do them any harm.  Lord I am declaring now as a anointed child of God that no one can touch me according to 1 Samuel 26:10.  In Jesus Name I Pray and to God be the Glory.  Amen!!!!

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