Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm Just Saying! (Beggers)

Okay before you get all mad about what I'm bout to say lets get the I'm Just Saying Disclaimer out the way. Okay?.....K!  

 I'm Just Saying Disclaimer:  This is the opinion of the writer.  The topics are not designed to hurt, bring pain but to deliver another way of thinking that is designed to help build a person up.  Keep in my mind that I write what I feel and the experience from my culture!  If you find that my writings offend you, this isn't the blog for you.  Keep it moving!  I'm Just Saying!  

Now.....some folks is going to not like this but OH WELL!  

It's August and your calling around looking for Christmas help for your 6 kids and 4 grand kids who you claim are living with you.  IT'S AUGUST PEOPLE!!!!!  You mean to tell me you can not start that early to provide for your own babies?  I mean seriously something is wrong with that picture.  Christmas in July just passed you by and you begging for a hand out already?  Straight bonafide TRIFLING!!!!  I'm Just Saying!

You get $400 in food stamps and $1100 a month, why are you at the pantry faithfully like its a supplement just for you?  You living in low income housing, no job, no business about life but you mad because you can't get over on the system any more.  Must be nice to free load off tax paying people such as myself.  I'm Just Saying!

This is a pep peeve of mine.......PLEASE stop giving these sad stories like you have no place to live, no medicine, no food or no hope.  (Now I talking to the scammers)  When I offer you a place where they house the homeless and you give me some bull that you can't go, than you ain't homeless!  When I offer help to you where you can get your medicine possibly for free and you provide bull, you on some drugs that isn't prescribed!  & My favorite.....when I give you some food and you tell me you don't want that -YOU AIN'T HUNGRY!!!!  Stop taking from those who really need the help and press on before your feelings get hurt.  Shame on you!  OH AND the pan handlers who stand on the corners by the VA, GO OVER THE VA IF YOU CLAIMING TO BE A VET AND GET THE HELP!!!!  THAT WHAT THE VA IS FOR!!!    I'm Just Saying!

Parents if you're running around trying to buy the store up for your kids this Christmas....STOP!  Christmas is not about that!  Its about Jesus Christ!  Teach your children the real meaning about Christ.  Do something different this year.  Go purchase hats, gloves, coats and take to the homeless, purchase A toy for a sick child someone suffering with cancer perhaps.  Adopt a less fortunate family by purchasing their dinner meal or kids some clothes.  Write a letter about Christ and email it to your lost love one.  Here's a good.....FORGIVE SOMEONE WHO HAS HURT YOU!  That will provide immediate relief in you and your heart.   Cook dinner and feed the hungry use your local church as the feeding location.  Start a college fund for your kids.  Purchase life insurance for everyone in your home.  Take some of the junk you brought from past Christmas and donate to other unfortunate children.  We have to stop spending wastefully and start buying things that are important and necessary.  Is an Xbox more important than having good quality with your kids?  Take this year to start a new trend.  One that is not requiring you to go broke!  I'm Just Saying!!

And that's,Website Sign

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