Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm Just Saying! (Drama is not my friend)

I always write about other things but I am going to use this segment to write about me!  How bout that!!!!  

Have you ever had someone in your life who is ALWAYS surrounded by drama?  Well I am cutting folks off in order to stay in the presence of God!!!!  No ONE is worth the risk of me losing my soul!!!  I came so close to stepping back in old character that God had to literally smack the taste out of my mouth.

I am not perfect!  I never proclaimed to be but I am human, born into sin first & by no choice and a Christian last, by choice.  Here's what I have learned:
  • In order to walk with God you must first learn to let go and give it to God.  That's important!  Even when its the very thing you love the most! 
  •  When your enemies persecute you, pray for them.  It's like coals burning on their head.
  • Don't allow anyone to take your joy.  They didn't give it and surely they have no power to gain it from you.
  • When people want to cuss you out and believe all the non sense remove yourself from that environment.  For one - IT'S NOT HEALTHY!  Let those who raise raise hell, live in hell.  God is not about foolishness.
  • No matter how mad you get, sin not!!!  That's a hard one but if you fail, repent and keep it moving.
  • Wish no harm or ill will because you'll wish it back on yourself.
  • Take a look at the history of the people involve and realize their up bringing and the drama associated with them.
  • Realize that when you are up against a wall, swing back enough to allow God in, let him do the rest.  Even when you're push too far, you can and will snap.  Yes even Christians.  
  • When they question your walk with God realize that you are a Christian when you CAN pray for those who attack you.  Know you are a christian when you ignore people for quite some time without losing your cool.  Know you are a Christian when you can forgive them.  Know you are a Christian when you can still show respect by not trash talking anyone.  There is so many ways to be a christian, one of them was not being perfect!!
  • Finally, know you are anointed and that no harm will come to by your enemy.  If people can not respect you for the person are, fine!  The God in you will handle that disrespect because his word said, TOUCH NOT MY ANOINTED!!   Yet in the same breath don't allow anyone to have reasons to touch "God's Anointed".
I said was I was going to write about me.  I am!  I write a lot of stuff about young girls and young mothers because what I see in this generation really disturbs me.  Writing is my way to release it so I won't be in the devil's hold by sinning.  People will push your buttons when you least expect it and they will try you at ALL cost, you just have to decide whose side are you, theirs, yours or God.  When you allow "self" to control your actions you take a risk of losing reality on what God wants for you.  With God, everything will work!

So I can't see my grandson.....okay.  Yes I have rights and yes I have a case but then something happen this morning to make me think the obvious!  If I just let it go, the problem of this drama resurfacing in my life is 0!!!  Bottom line.....I CAN LIVE WITH OUT THAT DRAMA!!!  Will miss my grand baby but not the drama that is associated with him.  Another way to look it at it, I save money, I have my time back, no babysitting, and no headaches of family issues and so much more.  My son is the one who has to deal with that, not me.  My grandson will have to, unfortunately, but not me.  Why should I be used by my son or her for their own selfish game playing?  I won't!  Plain and simple.  I love my grand baby dearly and would hurt someone over him but fighting to see him comes with dealing with people who have no respect for others. I rather let go and let God!  People reap what they sow!  If you sow a seed of confusion and drama you get it back in full when it grows.

Scripture says...."Peace that passive ALL understanding" and for us to "lean not unto thine own understanding."  When we don't understand why people are the way they are, let go.  I am siding with peace!  That includes in my house, in my family, on my job where ever I go.  Peace is welcome, drama is not my friend.  It has no place in any one's life. 

If writing the truth and not listening to lies makes me weak, so be it!  I am strong in heart, in my mind and in life but most importantly with God!  It doesn't matter what a person do or say, what matters is what God requires of me!  One thing for sure when people who have no ideal who God is looks for the fall of His people should really watch their step.

The very thing a person think they can hold over your head they will use against you!  That is no longer the case.  I am free from that drama and hold she thought she had over me and that, my friend, makes my heart glad.

Wish her and my son the best but I'm done like the turkey in the oven! I'm Just Saying!!! ;-)   

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