Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" as Mr. Rogers use to say in the opening of his show.  I say it for an entirely different reason.  I live in an area where God lives.  He lives in my home, in my car, on my job, when I am out and about.  Where ever I go, I take God with me.  My neighborhood is filled with peace, joy, love, comfort and many more things that God provides.  When my days are short, He makes it long, when its cloudy, He brings out the sunshine.  Why?  It is not because I've done anything special or have been so good but because of His grace and mercy.  

I always wave to anyone walking or driving by in my neighborhood.  I think it is a way not only of saying "hello" but as a way of saying, "I see you."  There is one particular person who never speaks back to me.  It's alright.  I wave anyway and keep on moving.  I always replay the scripture, "If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right." (NIV James 2:8) and "Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law." (Romans 13:10 NIV)  In other words, I will love others as God loves me and I will treat people how I would want to be treated no matter how rotten they may treat me.  I won't be no fool but I will love and pray for them and me.  I'm just saying.  

Many people living in a rough neighborhood & have a reason to not like anything about it.  Some choose to move to richer areas and lose so much more.  While some are content with the regular style of an traditional man made ideal of a neighborhood.  You know, the white picket fence, big yard with an two car garage.  A lot of people never get that dream and feel like they are living in hell.  Some people work in and feel like their neighbor is an coworker from satan himself but yet say they are a child of God.  How?  Remember...."love your neighbor as yourself"?  It is very easy to forget the Word of God when you are caught up in the details of everyday life.   Yes!  People will get on your nerves.  Yes!  You will be tested.  Yes!  You may have to repent.  Just don't give up and never let go of God's hand.
So as we begin another week, day or step into another hour, let us be reminded that the neighborhood you live in doesn't have to be your final home.  After all, your home (You) is what you make of it.

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