Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Just Say It!)

"An honest answer is like a kiss of friendship."

People often think that they should bend the truth to avoid hurting a friend.  But one who gives and honest, straightforward answer is a true friend.  To be entrusted with the truth even at the risk of offense represents a gesture of high honor.

In other words, I won't lie just to boast your ego!  I won't cover, sugar coat, bend, twist, distort, or agree with a person when I know they are wrong.  The reason why some people have a lot of friends in their entourage is due to this very reason-a lack of honesty.  
Let's be real.....many us don't want to hear the truth.  "Don't move in with him" "I wouldn't date her yet." "Don't wear that" etc. are a few reasons why people are bent out of shape.  You want only those who are in agreement with your dirt.  

Well......I can honestly say I won't be one of them.  If selling my soul just to make you feel good is the cost of displeasing God, it is not worth the ride or the risk.  Friends come and go.  Family will always be family.  

Be careful of what you ask of people because you could end up all alone.

and that is,

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Leanne White said...

I have a girlfriend of mine who is married going through a divorce dating another married man! I tried to tell her to wait on that but NOOOOOOOOO.......she stop talking to me and they didn't work out! Too bad she couldn't have read this five years ago.

A note to you: Don't make me wait so long for the next posting. :)

Forealdoh said...

Hi Leanne,

I am confused....is she divorcing now and dating or is this past tense as in 5 yrs ago?

Leanne White said...

She was going through a divorce five yrs ago met her current husband who she is divorcing now. I am sorry for the confusion. We use to be real tight until I told her how I felt. I think a person who publicly put their feelings out there shouldn't be mad when the shit hits the fan. I am so direct she couldn't take it because I did not agree with that bull shit! She was crazy for jumping right into another relationship before the divorce papers was filed. What the hell?

Anonymous said...

Forealdoh, another hitter! When are you going to write a book?! I'm Just Saying!

Forealdoh said...

I gotcha now! In the future, please be mindful of your language. I really love to hear from my readers but I am a Godly woman.

Some people are too grown to hear the truth. They think they know it all but you must let them go to live and learn. All you can do is pray that the set up wont be the horrible break up you may feel is to come.

Thanks for posting.

Forealdoh said...

Thanks! I am working on it! You'll be the one of first to know when its done. God Bless.