Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Just Saying (Give God thanks in times of trouble)

We can show thanks to God by calling upon him in times of trouble. That may seem odd that God would list calling upon Him as a way to show gratitude, but in reality it isn't strange.
There are many today who call on God with their lips but in times of trouble put their trust in everyone but God. There are some, when trouble comes, who turn to quack doctors, voodoo, palm readers, special potions, magic candles, mystical oils and hoodoo. They seldom look to God.
God told David in a time of trouble, "call upon me." He told David then and tells us now, show your trust, confidence and faith in me by calling on me when you need help, not some other. David found that God was true to his word. So much so that he wrote in Psalm 27:5 "For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock."
There are many today who have discovered what David found out, which is that God is a very present help in a time of trouble. Whenever we need Him, all we need to do is just call Him. Call Him in the morning! Call Him in the noonday! Call Him in the midnight hour! 

Father I personally call upon you at this hour.  I am struggling to get pass this hurdle I am stuck in.  Father you know my heart and I know with my entire being that you love me and I love you.  Forgive me for not turning to you first and for doubting your can do power.  I am begging for your mercy and your anointing to fall upon me  right now.  I pray the selfish thought I had to be removed and that my prayer be for the family of my dear friend be heard and they be comforted.  I pray for her children who are now motherless.  I pray that my friend with stage 4 cancer be healed.  Father you know and sees all and I am begging that your grace and mercy fall upon the GLCC family right now!  I am seeking guidance at this moment as I trust in God to order my steps.  Father I pray the person who is reading this will be bless in their coming and goings.  Forgive them of their sins and keep near you.  I pray these things and more in your sons name!  Amen.

Sometimes we have to shame the devil and make God the priority over our situation.  I am going through something and if I can't be real than I am not who I say I am, an anointing woman of God. Keep me in your prayers.  God Bless!


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