Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Jesus Paid Our Debt)

Have you ever stretched out all of your bills on a table or desk and wished they would just disappear?
Those who run households are often overwhelmed with how much debt they have accumulated in such a short period of time. In many cases it seems like the only mail we receive is a bill from another creditor. There are many who are reluctant to answer the phone for fear that it may be a bill collector. The excitement of going to the mail box is dulled by the reality that it's going to be filled with what the old timers call "due bills." It seems that our debt is an endless vacuum that sucks up all of our resources and makes it impossible to sleep comfortable at night.
When cash flow is the problem, there are professionals called debt counselors who help families work out plans to manage their debts. When there are high debts without assets to cover them, sometimes bankruptcy is the only option left. Dealing with debt can be frustrating.
Like financial indebtedness, spiritual indebtedness is equally frustrating. We are spiritually in debt when what we owe for our sins is more than we can pay. We run up a sin bill on a daily basis, but don't have the capacity to meet the daily due bill for our transgressions. Over the long term, we have a huge sin debt. We are spiritually bankrupt! Our sins outweigh our ability to pay. A debt consolidation plan won't help us. Our problem is not "cash flow", our problem is insolvency. We desperately need a way to pay off our debts and become debt free.
As Christians, we rejoice in knowing that our sin debts have been covered. We no longer have long term sin debts from our past, and a spiritual mechanism is in place which covers our current sin debt.
We know it because the word of God says, "He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes, we are healed.."

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