Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (No Permission Needed, Just Your Submission)

Have you ever wondered what God has in store for you?  God don't need your permission, he needs your submission.  We must yield ourselves to his authority.  When you attend church for the first time you are eager to be there but the more you go, you begin to pull away.  
I found myself wanting to pull away church because I felt like my spirit was at risk.  Whenever we surround ourselves with negatives things we can become negative as well.  So I went to God and asked him to renew my strength in Him and to blind my sight from other people's wicked ways.  I was also careful not to ask of anything I can't back up, handle or didn't want to really happen.  
God is loving God, a forgiving God and I know that he can forgive anyone who is humble enough to turn from their sins.  I realize something about myself in the last week.  I truly love God.  I loved Him but I am talking about that in love, can't live with Him, kind of love.  It bothered me to see others claiming to love Him yet they are still living in their mess.  If I made the decision to follow Christ and others have taken flight to do the same, why should I not be able to judge them?  

Scripture says to  12 It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. 13 God will judge those on the outside; but as the Scriptures say, “You must remove the evil person from among you.” I Corinthians 5:12-13 NLT
So my husband and I pulled away a little.  We continued to pray together and get into our study time with God.  We felt the need to regroup and make sure that God was in the midst of our marriage.  We wanted to be sure that we are on one accord with what God wants for us.  Thank God we are.  
Just as soon as we got back in the midst of churchin' here go that devil trying to make something happen for his kingdom.  Trick no good!  That demon was rebuked and our praises continued with an blessing so rich that made me look at my husband with much more love and vice versa!
We ca't surround ourselves with those who are not willing to serve God.  If you say you are a Christian, a believer and you are not having a humble spirit and respect for God and His power, you need to repent.  If you are not willing to repent and to continue to sin you can be judged among your fellow church family.  We tend to take "only God can judge" to the ground.  Now here is your proof that you can be judged if you are in the church.  When we submit ourselves to Christ, he will pour out a blessing for you!  God is awesome!  

I find myself renewed, refreshed, and re-energized.  Praise God for his blessings!  Bottom line let your mind be able to process all that God has for you! When ever things seems bad, God says "It's all good!" When people closes a door in your face, God's say "Enter here!" When haters try to tear you down, God says, "I will build you up!" when you find out that you can't go on, God says You Can!  Is your mind still cluttered? Are you ready to be submissive?  It's so simple.......GIVE IT & YOU TO GOD!


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