Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Get off the fence)

As we start this new year with many weak resolutions, let's make an effort to serve one!  We either serve God or serve the world.  You can't have it both ways.  We want what we want, when we want it without working for it.  To serve God will cost you something, its called a sacrifice.  Are you willing to give up the earthly things you love?  God can bless you with way more stuff than what the world can offer, you just have to believe and have faith in him.  Nothing is free in life, not even following God.  When you choose God, the world will crucify you just for doing the right thing.  Many of us straddle the fence in order to satisfy both, man and God.  Pick!

In order to move forward this year, remember to get off the fence.  Holding on to the very thing that can condemn you, will kill you spiritually.  The fence is there to block, to keep contained, to box in and to train you not to go outside the perimeters.  As long as you are fenced in or holding onto the fence, you are not allowing God to have full access to you freely.  You want to open the lock when it suits you.  Unlock the gate and leave the fence, allow God to tear it down so you can be released from bondage.  

We all are struggling with something.  Many conquer it and many lose to the battle of what's hindering them.  What will you choose to do?  I'm Just Saying!

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Unknown said...


Forealdoh said...
