Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (A Daily Devotion on Quarrels/Beefs)

Genesis 13:5-15:21; Matthew 5:27-48; Psalm 6:1-10; Proverbs 1:29-33 
Facing a conflict with his nephew Lot, Abram took the initiative to settling the dispute.  He gave Lot first choice, even though Abram, being older, had the right to choose first.  Abram also showed wiliness to risk being cheated.  Abram examples shows us how to respond to difficult family situations. 

1.  Take the incentive in solving conflicts.
2   Let others have first choice, even if that means not getting what we want.
3.  Put family peace above personal desires.

While surrounded by hostile neighbors the herdsman of Abram and Lot should have pulled together, instead they let petty jealous tear them apart.  Similar situations exist today.  Christians often bicker while Satan is at work all around them.  Rivalries, arguments and disagreements among believers can be destructive in three ways.

1   The foundation of good human relations
2.  Hamper progress of important goals
3.  They make us self centered rather than love centered.

Jesus understood how destructive arguments among brothers can be and his final prayer before being betrayed and arrested.  Jesus asked God that his followers be ONE.  Lots characters is revealed by his choices.  He took the best share of the land even though if it meant living near Sodom which is known for its sins.  He was greedy.  Wanting the best for himself without thinking about his Uncle Abram’s needs or even what was fair.   

Who was Kedorlaomer and why was he important?  In Abrams time most cities had their own Kings.  War and rivalries among kings were common because a conqueror city pay tribute to the victorious king.  Nothing is really known about Kedorlaomer, except what we read in the bible.  Apparently he was quit powerful.  Five cities including Sodom had paid tribute to him for twelve years.  The 5 cities formed an alliance rebelled by holding tribute.  Kedorlaomer reacted swiftly and reconqueror them all.  When he defeated Sodom he captured Lot, his family and his possessions.  Abram with only 318 men chased Kedorlaomer’s army and chased them near the city Damascus.  With God’s help he defeated and recovered Lot, his family and his possessions.  You see Lots greedy desire to have the best of everything led him into sinful surroundings.  His burning desire for possessions and success cost him his freedom and enjoyment.    As a captive to Kedorlaomer he faced torture, slavery and even death.  That’s the same way we can be enticed into doing things and going places we shouldn’t. The prosperity we long for is captivating, yes, it can both entice us and yes, slave us, if our motives are not in line with God’s desires. 

Think of some situations in your life where conflict was the center focus.  What was the main ingredients?  Could it be pride, lies, slandering, talebearing?  What made the quarrel worse? 

Nothing is more important than you not making it into the gates of heaven.  Attempt to restore a quarrel by making it right.  Not saying you have to be best friends again but forgive and get closure.  Leave not one stone unturned.  After all, life is all about doing things we are not comfortable with.  Let your pride go and make it right for YOU!  I'm Just Saying! 

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