Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Get Over It)

Many of us has broken hearts and had our heart broken by someone you loved.  Maybe it was your first love or someone you thought you loved.  A broken heart is an uneasy feeling.  Your stomach is upset.  Nerves are rattled.  Yet you still long for the person who has hurt you.  Why is that?  Why is it we love the bad boys, the bad girls?  Do we have that much low self esteem that we can't see a good thing for the holding onto the bad?  Get Over It!  Dust your self off, cry your last tear and keep it moving.  If God intended for you and that person to be together, you would be.  When you are hurt, turning it over to God and leave it there.  If it is in His will, you two would be made whole again.  That is God ordained!

As a woman, it never ceases to amaze me how men can dog their woman by cheating on her, disrespecting her, blaming her for everything that is wrong his life. Yet they can turn around in the next breath and claim to love you and want you back.  Of course that is after you have moved on with someone who is good looking and who is taking care of business.  To me, the man who lost his woman, is less of man.  A real man knows his woman in several ways.
He knows her heart.  When the beat of her heart is off rhythm, he knows how to jump start it with the right words or the right touch.  He knows her scent.  He can smell her coming from a distance because they are one.  He knows her thoughts and understands her.  He can finish her sentence and vice versa.  He knows her desires and her wants.  He knows how to make her feel special just by calling her while she's at work, or just by cooking her dinner.  He knows to see to her every needs without asking her. He loves her intimately and is her only lover.  He knows no other woman can take her place.  He make sure she knows that she is His only woman.
So, ladies if you have moved on with a man who is treating you like the queen you are, KEEP HIM!  The man you had, is only hunting you cause you got away and not because he wants you.  (Some do but most don't.  They don't want no one else to have you.)  

Keep in mind that sometimes, time away is good if the person has truly changed.  Rather its your baby daddy/mommy, wife, whatever you have to know when it will be the same ole thing.  I remarried my husband twice and it takes two people to not make the same mistakes in the past.  We are in sync with one another and most importantly this is God ordained!  When God put people together it will work as long as both parties keep God first!  So know your worth!  Know what you want! Keep it moving for the future is always open to those who want better.  I'm Just Saying!

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