Monday, April 11, 2011

The memory of pain can hinder forward progress

Thursday March 31, 2011 around 10:00 am, my adoptive mother transitioned to heaven.  She was a Godly woman with a heart of gold.  I felt like my world stopped and wonder how was I going to go on without my Queen.  She knew me inside and out.  I could always count on her to uplift my spirits.  I wondered what did I do to lose the one person who loved me as your own.  

I can't get my own family to love me unconditionally.  The pain of her passing was met with anger, resentment, and a great loss.  The anger and resentment I had was toward my own family for the lack of support.  Yeah I get that they may feel betrayed by my devotion and dedication to my "mom", but lets face it, if you treat people right from the start, you won't have to worry bout their devotion.  

With that said, whether it is sickness, death, finances or disappointments, every person experiences some pain in his life.
Yet we should not carry the fear of pain or the memory of painful moments into the future.
These memories have a tendency to absorb us and destroy us.
Lot's wife tried to walk forward. She was given a chance to climb the mountain but the pain of loss possessions, lost dreams and acquaintances overwhelmed her and she stopped, turned and looked back and found herself completely absorbed in the pain of the moment and she was turned into a pillar of salt.
Has there been a painful moment in your life in the past year?
Carry the happy days into the New Year, leave the pain behind!
Has there been a bitter experience?
Leave it behind or it will drag you down.
Psalm 55:22 says, "Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."
Queen Esther Wood 7/7/40 ` 3/31/11

Queen was the mom I never had.  The mom who showed her love, spent her time, her energy and her wisdom on her children. I will show the same agape love she had showed to me and many others.  Queen E. Wood, I will forever love you and will miss you greatly.

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C D Selmon said...

"Forealdoh".... That was beautiful!!! And trust me I can relate to where you are coming from. But trust and believe that its easier said then done. You will FOREVER be faced with "CERTAIN TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS" that will test your FAITH and ABILITY to ... "JUST LET THINGS GO" and during those times is when you MUST STAND FAST, AND BE UNMOVABLE!!! I found that the SERENITY Prayer was helpful to me during alot of those times. Simply because of this FACT: If there was something going on that I CAN CHANGE, then I TACKLED IT. But if I COULD NOT, then I LET GO & LET GOD..... I'm Jus Sayin.....

Forealdoh said...

C D I truly appreciate your kind words and I am in complete agreement with me. I find myself trying to let go but my heart wants it want and that is for my mom to be here with me. How can one just so easily let go and let God? Only time will tell.

Anonymous said...


I just want to say that I am so sorry for you lost! You have my deepest sympathy!!!

I lost my mother 4 years ago and I am still trying to let go and let God. I don't think you will ever forget your mother but you will have some hard days and some good ones. Hold on to the thing you know, God! I promise you it will ease your pain as the days goes by. God will never leave you or forsaken you!!!!


Michelle Myers said...

OMG! I am so sorry for your lost! I am praying for your family. I was adopted also and when my mom passed my biological family turned on me. I pray that you are well and that God will be the head of your decision making during this difficult time. Hold on sis because you are one anointed Godly woman!!!