Friday, April 1, 2011

Do not let the devil steal your joy

There are many who are miserable when something brings back memories of things we no longer have.
Some have memories of a loved one who is no longer with us, so we feel emptiness and hurt. For others it brings back memories of love lost. Perhaps it was a failed marriage, a broken heart, an abandonment of some kind. Focusing on our losses can make life miserable.
Instead, why not hear Paul say, "Forgetting those things which are behind, I press forward toward the mark." Focus on what you have now!
Focus on what your loved one left behind. Focus on the laughter, the good times, the humorous sayings, the funny moments of the past and tell them with joy when your family meets. Concentrate on what you have now! Concentrate on how God is blessing you now!
Concentrate on the goodness of this life now, despite the hardships you have endured. When we focus on what we have we experience "mega joy" because we know that God is with us and has not abandoned us. The devil can only steal your joy if you focus on your losses instead of your blessings.
God is with us and he is blessing us and that should bring us mega-joy.

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