Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Just Saying (Give God thanks in times of trouble)

We can show thanks to God by calling upon him in times of trouble. That may seem odd that God would list calling upon Him as a way to show gratitude, but in reality it isn't strange.
There are many today who call on God with their lips but in times of trouble put their trust in everyone but God. There are some, when trouble comes, who turn to quack doctors, voodoo, palm readers, special potions, magic candles, mystical oils and hoodoo. They seldom look to God.
God told David in a time of trouble, "call upon me." He told David then and tells us now, show your trust, confidence and faith in me by calling on me when you need help, not some other. David found that God was true to his word. So much so that he wrote in Psalm 27:5 "For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock."
There are many today who have discovered what David found out, which is that God is a very present help in a time of trouble. Whenever we need Him, all we need to do is just call Him. Call Him in the morning! Call Him in the noonday! Call Him in the midnight hour! 

Father I personally call upon you at this hour.  I am struggling to get pass this hurdle I am stuck in.  Father you know my heart and I know with my entire being that you love me and I love you.  Forgive me for not turning to you first and for doubting your can do power.  I am begging for your mercy and your anointing to fall upon me  right now.  I pray the selfish thought I had to be removed and that my prayer be for the family of my dear friend be heard and they be comforted.  I pray for her children who are now motherless.  I pray that my friend with stage 4 cancer be healed.  Father you know and sees all and I am begging that your grace and mercy fall upon the GLCC family right now!  I am seeking guidance at this moment as I trust in God to order my steps.  Father I pray the person who is reading this will be bless in their coming and goings.  Forgive them of their sins and keep near you.  I pray these things and more in your sons name!  Amen.

Sometimes we have to shame the devil and make God the priority over our situation.  I am going through something and if I can't be real than I am not who I say I am, an anointing woman of God. Keep me in your prayers.  God Bless!


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Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (As we prosper we should bless God in our prosperity!)

As we prosper, our desire should be that we can use that prosperity to help build God’s kingdom. We should be willing to give to the church and its ministries from the storehouses that God has filled for us.
We asked to be blessed so that we can be a blessing to God’s program. The song writer said, “Make me a blessing. Make me a blessing to someone today.” It did not say give me a blessing, but make my life a blessing.
As we strive to climb up, let us resolve that the reason for our climb is because we want to be in a better position to bless God’s work. When God sees our reason, He will bless our climb.
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Jesus Paid Our Debt)

Have you ever stretched out all of your bills on a table or desk and wished they would just disappear?
Those who run households are often overwhelmed with how much debt they have accumulated in such a short period of time. In many cases it seems like the only mail we receive is a bill from another creditor. There are many who are reluctant to answer the phone for fear that it may be a bill collector. The excitement of going to the mail box is dulled by the reality that it's going to be filled with what the old timers call "due bills." It seems that our debt is an endless vacuum that sucks up all of our resources and makes it impossible to sleep comfortable at night.
When cash flow is the problem, there are professionals called debt counselors who help families work out plans to manage their debts. When there are high debts without assets to cover them, sometimes bankruptcy is the only option left. Dealing with debt can be frustrating.
Like financial indebtedness, spiritual indebtedness is equally frustrating. We are spiritually in debt when what we owe for our sins is more than we can pay. We run up a sin bill on a daily basis, but don't have the capacity to meet the daily due bill for our transgressions. Over the long term, we have a huge sin debt. We are spiritually bankrupt! Our sins outweigh our ability to pay. A debt consolidation plan won't help us. Our problem is not "cash flow", our problem is insolvency. We desperately need a way to pay off our debts and become debt free.
As Christians, we rejoice in knowing that our sin debts have been covered. We no longer have long term sin debts from our past, and a spiritual mechanism is in place which covers our current sin debt.
We know it because the word of God says, "He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes, we are healed.."

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm Just Saying (A humble spirit needed for success)

A key attitude to success is to approach everything with a humble spirit.
That too is against the normal flow of humanity. Usually, we like being praised for what we do. It is our nature to seek that praise because it helps promote our personal agenda. The humble person knows that he or she is not able to accomplish anything notable without God's help; thus they shy away from being boastful. We can't accomplish anything unless we are willing to put ourselves in the background. Humility is hard because it is against our nature.
It is easy, if we have surrendered ourselves to God in the first place. When that happens, we don't want to take credit for his work in our lives.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Surrending to God brings spiritual achievement)

A key to success is to surrender ourselves to God. What does that mean?
It means that we must give up our entire way of seeing and measuring things and see the world through "Kingdom" glasses. First we have to surrender our sense of personal confidence. This is the notion that we can accomplish anything, alone. When we surrender to God we change our attitude to one that says, "I can't do anything without God."
I can't succeed in business, school or my profession without God's blessings. Once that is done then kingdom building becomes the highest priority. Surrendering is not easy. Everything in us wants independence. Everything in us says, "Seek your own, do for yourself, and reach your own goals." Surrendering requires us to put our own goals on the back burner and to put those of Christ on the front burner. Those who are unable to surrender will also find the remaining four secrets difficult as well, because they are almost impossible to accomplish without an attitude of surrender.
Those who are able to surrender themselves can say with the songwriter, 'All to Jesus I surrender, all to him I freely give. I will ever love and trust him; in his presence daily live. I surrender all. I surrender all. All to thee my blessed savior; I surrender all." 

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Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Don't give up on your dreams)

Too many people have condemned themselves to lives of quiet desperation because they gave up on their dreams. The youth who dreamed of being a doctor gave up because someone said they didn't have what it takes. The woman who dreamed of owning her own business gave up because someone said she was a minority and that odds are stacked against both women and minorities. Someone told the workman that he could never own a business like his employer and he believed it.
Each time a person tells us that we cannot succeed, in effect, they lower our expectations. However, our God does just the opposite. The word of God teaches us to raise our expectations!
It gives us the confidence to expect miracles when we are sick; expect a job when we are unemployed and to expect answers when we have questions.
On a daily basis, believers raise the roof of their expectations higher with boldness and confidence that anything is possible and nothing is impossible which is within the will of God.
Today, remember that the sky is the limit to what you can get done. Go for it.


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Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm Just Saying (Pastors)

Some of us know some one who is a "pastor" who doesn't act like a Christian Pastor.  You know the ones frontin in the pulpit.  Check this out.
If you're a "pastor" who always prophesying whenever new guest enter the church or pointing out someone during alter call, check your self and the Word.  Jesus simply said, "Follow Me."  He didn't go on and on begging and prophesying that God said this or that. You are telling folks business. and its not out love but out of how many people you can get to join the church.  That is wrong on all accounts. You will make a the wrong prophesy to someone and get your feelings hurt. Move! SMH I'm Just Saying!!! 

Someone calls the church and disagree with your policies on renting the sanctuary for a wedding and you call them a "bi#&*" YOU NEED TO REEVALUATE your calling.  Cussing people out at any given moment is not Christ like.  The scripture says “Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our image and likeness’” (Genesis 1:26 NCV).  What does the full “image and likeness” of God look like? It looks like Jesus Christ! The Bible says Jesus is “the exact likeness of God,” “the visible image of the invisible God,” and “the exact representation of his being” (2 Corinthians 4:4 NLT; Colossians 1:15 NLT; Hebrews 1:3 NIV).    The Bible also says, “You were . . . created to be like God, truly righteous and holy” (Ephesians 4:24 GWT).  I didn't see any where in the world where we as Christians let alone Pastors should be cussing people out.....THE BLOOD of JESUS!!!!  Repent now or pay later!  I'm Just Saying!!

If you are counseling one of your congregation members then repeat the entire session to another person is foul!  Isn't there an oath you take? You should abide by the Word of God.  In the Bible, the Scriptures are ideally suited for any and every counseling situation. "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Tim.:16-17). Paul makes it clear that there is no substitute for Scripture when counseling those with personal, family or marriage problems. In order to be "thoroughly equipped" for counseling, one must know God's Word.  Do you know the Word?  Are you not maintaining what you read or you just skimming through the pages.  Be quiet after a session and read about gossiping in the Bible!  I'm Just Saying!

If you are taking your sermon off the web and calling it your own, you're no more a preacher than the dog chained in the back yard.  Can you deliver the Word without all the "huh" "well, well well" and singing the word sermon?  My soul is still hungry can you talk about Moses, Joseph, Mary and how I can use something in the Bible to hold me over until the next service?  I'm Just Saying!!!  Stop wasting people time with your circus show.

and finally if you are taking the money collected in offering and using it to make your Cadillac payment, you going to hell with gasoline drawers on.  Who in their right mind want to to rob God?  Who does that!  Stop making your congregation give more than their pockets can handle.  Why are YOU standing over the king size bucket to see who paying what in tithes?  Scripture says, "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." I'm Just Saying!

Being called by God is a serious job and should not be taken lightly.  "Many are called but few are chosen" so if you are blessed and favored to be called, don't abuse it.  There is a special place in hell for fallen pastors.  I'm Just Saying....walk right or sit down.

and that's,
Forealdoh disclaimer:  If the shoe fit then it applies to you.  If it doesn't ,keep it moving.  This  is the opinion of the writer whose only goal is to help those who may have fallen, need encouragement, or want to know Jesus Christ.  So many part time Christians have made it look bad for the full time Christians.  I am taking my stand against sin!  You don't like it, this blog or website is NOT for you.  I'm Just Saying!!!

Are We Supposed to Hate Our Families? (Re-post)

In Luke 14:25-26, large crowds were traveling with Jesus. These people were there for every reason: some had been healed, a few were raised from the dead, some had been fed by Jesus, and others just liked the show. So He turned to them and said, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple” (v. 26).

That seems like a contradiction: we are not to hate, are we? No, Jesus meant this: “If you compare the love you have for Me to the love for your family and relatives, the two cannot stand side by side. Your love for Me should be so great that the difference between the two is like love and hate.” He would never tell us to hate our family, but that our love for Him is to be so great that it appears that we do. The first part of being His steward and His disciple is that we have unrivaled love for Him. Nothing else can be on the same shelf. Many Christians claim, “Christ is first in my life,” and then put Him up there on a shelf along with everything else.

Jesus warned that our relationship with people, the world, and possessions can rival our love for Him. So He said, "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me” (Matthew 10:37). If what your mother and father think causes you to disobey Christ, you are not worthy of Him. I am glad Jesus said that; those may be “fighting words” to some, but that is the unrivaled love that Christ demands from us as His disciples.

All this deals with the affections of our heart. Jesus said, “If you claim to love Me, but the love you have for Me is not unrivaled, you can’t be My disciple.” Do the affections of your heart reflect Jesus Christ in this manner?

Stewardship is unceasing cross bearing for Christ. Jesus has already made the standard so high that it is out of reach of everybody except by the power of God. Yet, He doesn’t stop with unrivaled love. He continued by saying, "Whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. … And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me” (Luke 14:27; Matthew 10:38). In other words, Jesus did not stop with the affections of our hearts—He said there must also be unceasing cross bearing, which deals with our conduct in life.

*This article was written by John Barnett posted as the question of the day for  
Every now and then I will re-post something I find to be interesting and true.


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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm Just Saying! (Just Say It!)

"An honest answer is like a kiss of friendship."

People often think that they should bend the truth to avoid hurting a friend.  But one who gives and honest, straightforward answer is a true friend.  To be entrusted with the truth even at the risk of offense represents a gesture of high honor.

In other words, I won't lie just to boast your ego!  I won't cover, sugar coat, bend, twist, distort, or agree with a person when I know they are wrong.  The reason why some people have a lot of friends in their entourage is due to this very reason-a lack of honesty.  
Let's be real.....many us don't want to hear the truth.  "Don't move in with him" "I wouldn't date her yet." "Don't wear that" etc. are a few reasons why people are bent out of shape.  You want only those who are in agreement with your dirt.  

Well......I can honestly say I won't be one of them.  If selling my soul just to make you feel good is the cost of displeasing God, it is not worth the ride or the risk.  Friends come and go.  Family will always be family.  

Be careful of what you ask of people because you could end up all alone.

and that is,

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm Just Saying!!! (Judge Not!)

This was sent to me in an e-mail and I wanted to post it to my website.  Remember the words and that we should never judge those who don't know God.   Now for those who is in the church........that is a different story.  Read my previous post if you need a memory boost.

 I am not sure of the poem but here it is:
I was shocked, confused, bewildered
As I entered Heaven's door,
Not by the beauty of it all,
Nor the lights or its decor. 

But it was the folks in Heaven
Who made me sputter and gasp--
The thieves, the liars, the sinners,
The alcoholics and the trash. 

There stood the kid from seventh grade
Who swiped my lunch money twice.
Next to him was my old neighbor
Who never said anything nice. 

Bob, who I always thought
Was rotting away in hell,
Was sitting pretty on cloud
Looking incredibly well. 

I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal?
I would love to hear Your take.
How'd all these sinners get up here?
God must've made a mistake. 

'And why is everyone so quiet,
So somber - give me a clue.'
'Hush, child,' He said,
'they're all in shock.
No one thought they'd be seeing you.' 


Remember...Just going to church doesn't make you a
Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car. 

Every saint has a PAST...
Every sinner has a FUTURE!
and finally,

Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - It has no point!

 I'm Just Saying!!!

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