Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Are you ready?

 Happy New Year to you!

With the new year in full swing, there are a lot people who claim to know when the world will end.  Some are posted online, on television such as the History channel and even in book formats.  Truth is NOONE knows when Jesus will return.  Jesus said in Matt 24:42-44:  42 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43 But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

Why do people say the world will end or that it will be doomsday on this  particular date?  Maybe they do it for attention or they just think they know it all perhaps?   Truth is, in 1 Thessalonians 5:2 For you know quite well that the day of the Lord's return will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night.  
If we believe what we see and hear, we are saying the Bible is not true.  That is why we must have faith as a mustard seed and not to walk by sight but by faith.  He also tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2:2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come.  I think we should make sure we are ready for His return.  We shouldn't worry about the hour, day or time of the demise of the world.  It almost like judging a sinner outside the church and not looking at self. 

This year I wasn't worried about making another broken resolution.  The only thing I am focusing on is staying in the presence of God!  There is no other place I want to be.  It is my secret place.  It is my safe haven from everyday life and people.  I can totally depend and trust on Him.  Once a person lose focus from God to something they have no control or authority over, they take a risk in not being in God's holiness of holy!  I don't know about you but I need to stay in His holiness!  Even if its people, place and things are tempting me to sin, I must be ready!

If a person was picking you up for a meeting, would you be ready?  Of course you would.  Why do we make serving Christ harder than it has to be?  Do you realize how awful Christians are frowned upon?  We have become a laughing joke to sinners.  Why?  Christians have allowed sin to reside in the house of God.  We have become too relax by not wanting to upset the sinners.  We get afraid they will leave our congregations.  So we allow the Jezebels whore-mongers, homosexuals, pedophiles, liars, thieves, etc., (the list is long and so is the sin) by not taking a stand on God's Word!  He said in 1 Cor. 5:12 It isn't my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. So why do we have sinners in leadership positions?  Why do we feel its not our place to sit down a woman who is sleeping with any man that would let her?  Why is the choir director practicing homosexuality and leading our praise and worship?  Where are they leading us to? Straight to damnation if we are not careful.  

Don't think for a second that the foolishness we accept that isn't of God won't have an affect on your walk with Christ.  Think again!  How many times have you ever woke up happy and just as soon as you get around someone who isn't happy you start feeling like them? Its no different in the church.  People who are suppose to show examples of Christ start showing everything unlike God by not speaking to others, helping others, and by not paying tithes, the list goes on.  God is pure.  God is holy.  God is honest.  God is looking for his soldiers to be in place at all times.  God is wanting you to make the right choices.  God is coming back.  I don't know when, I don't know the hour or the day but I do know I WILL BE READY!  


Someone asked me,"How do you get ready?"  Simple.  Confess out of your mouth that you believe Jesus died and resurrected for our sins.  Tell God how sorry your are for the sin you lived in and ask for forgiveness.  That is your way of repenting for the awful things you have done.  Ask God to provide total restoration and complete deliverance over your life.  Get into a bible based church and most importantly get into the Word of God.  Read and study your bible daily.  Take the Word of God  everywhere you go.  When you find yourself falling, get back up! 
We all fall short of the glory of God but we fight the fight to maintain our place with Him.  The moment we stop fighting could very well be the opportunity for His return.  ALWAYS be ready my brother!  Always be ready my sister!   If you would like for me to keep you in my prayers, please email me at pray4me.
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Kelly said...

Hit it right out of the park again! Stop making us wait for your next post. #imjustsaying! lol

J. R. said...

I have to agree with Kelly. Stop taking breaks. My pastor spoke on this a few weeks ago. I love how you just tell it like it is. Thanks for being a true woman of God. I wish many people would be like that about God. Keep up the good work of God.

T. Walker said...

Awesome word! I wish saints would stop accepting the aints sins and pray with them to be delivered. Awesome, awesome, awesome WORD!!!

Forealdoh said...

Hi Kelly....thanks for the support. I sincerely appreciate it.

Hi J. R. (my stalker! lol) Its good to hear from you. Its so good to know that God is using me as a confirmation to you. Ain't he good?!

Hi T. Walker....I totally understand where you are coming from. We have to keep praying that the "ain'ts" will be true "saints". We all need to be praying.

I really do love the fact you all keep reading and commenting on my posts. It makes a gal feel special. :-)

God bless and keep talking to me!!!