Monday, November 28, 2011

What About Me? (Poem)

There is not a day and time
when my mind is committing a crime
of my thoughts causing me to sin
I'm fighting temptations.....JESUS help me win!
The enemy is on my back
trying to knock me off track
Heaven help us
from Iraq to Los Angeles
Each day that pass is dangerous
Even tho our currency say, "In God we Trust"
But do we really believe in your word
Especially when we gossip about the things we heard
My grandma use to sing, "God has smiled on me"
No matter what arise she had faith of a mustard seed
Man oh man, why can't we trust like that
Why can't we stay on track
Why do we lose every single time
Why must I lose my mind
Create in me a clean heart
I need to make a fresh start
Renew in me a right spirit
Speak to me Father, let me hear it
Just whisper a word in my ear
Let me know you are near
For I can not fight this alone
Forgive me of the sins that I've sown
Lord, think of me
Extend your hand so I can take thee
Please God don't leave me be
I am crying to you.....what about me?



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