Many of us are alone. In our thoughts, in our homes, in our marriages and even in our very own families. Some call it being "isolated" or even being "anti social." I call it being smart especially when you're dealing with drama type people.
Now before I go any further let's think about this:
Noah built the ark and voyaged alone. His neighbors laughed at his strangeness and perished in style.
Abraham wandered and worshiped alone.
Abraham wandered and worshiped alone.
Sodomites smiled at the simple shepherd, followed the fashion, and fed the flames.
Daniel dined and prayed alone.
Elijah sacrificed and witnessed alone.
Jeremiah prophesied and wept alone.
Jesus loved and died alone."
Daniel dined and prayed alone.
Elijah sacrificed and witnessed alone.
Jeremiah prophesied and wept alone.
Jesus loved and died alone."
Why did their faith require them to go it alone? Because the general rule of most people in this world is that they'd rather not. Most folks would rather not stand alone. In fact, they'd just as soon "leave well enough...alone". They'd rather not rock the boat. They'd rather not be seen as judgmental. They'd rather just "live and let live." But belonging to Christ sometimes requires us to go against the grain. It sometimes calls us to call sin, sin. It sometimes requires us to stand up for God's truth even when others tell us to sit down and shut up.
I don't think being alone today is traumatizing as our mind wants us to believe. If these bible people can be alone and still have the peace of God, I say, "sign me up." They may have wept or even died alone, but the truth is they are more alive and surrounded by God and His heavenly angels. They are with Him, God, which is where I want to be eventually. Whatever I may endure on earth will not far cedes the final outcome. I know that I am really never alone. God says, "I will never LEAVE you nor forsaken you." So why would I say I am alone when I have my very own guardian? We say we are alone because we don't know Christ for ourselves. We expect people, places and things to validate us. Have you ever vacationed alone? What about on a date with yourself, alone?
My husband and I got together when I was 20 years old and I never wanted to be alone. I learned that in order for others to deal with me, I should be able to deal with myself.....alone! What better way to get to know yourself? I had to be divorced from my husband, only to be reunited again in marriage, just so I can learn how to properly love and know me. It sound crazy huh? I learned how to spend quality time with me which taught me my self worth. What I allowed others to do to me then seems like decades ago. I wish someone would try to take advantage of my worth today.....I'm just saying! Its war baby! lol God didn't make no junk or no punk. ;-)
Its all about you! We take for granted each other. If we didn't marriages wouldn't break up, families wouldn't argue and people would have the same people as their friends. Yeah God said that its not good for man to be alone and that he will make him a help mate. However I don't think he meant we can be alone to improve our self worth. Being alone means that we should be able to be alone with God. We should talk to Him, lean on Him, listening to His still small voice while waiting on His direction for your life. Being alone means to have much peace and keeping all the everyday hustle and bustle of drama out of your mind. People take for granted the thought of being alone. They think you must share your bed with someone, your every available time with their spouse, kids, work or even friends. Stop smothering them and smothering God for once. Give it a try! I promise you will love His attention. Isn't it funny how people want the comforts of people in their life only to want their "space"? Bottom line we want what we want when we want it. If we feel like being bothered, so be it but if we want to be alone we are in our zone.
Being alone isn't a bad thing if you are using the alone time for good. Such as getting closer to God or taking time to improve your mental or physical being. The next time you are alone, think of God checking in on all the people, animals, plants (people, place and things) that are worshiping Him even as we speak. Ask yourself, is God alone? If you say yes, then keep Him company. If you say no, he has the whole universe and that he doesn't need you. You may be right! However, chances are you need him! Proverbs 18:1 "Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment." In other words, If we would get knowledge and grace, we must try all methods of improving ourselves.

Why do we depend so much on others for our joy and happiness? Something to think about as we are preparing for the season of giving. Instead of giving out gifts, give the best gift of all by spending some alone time with God! Talk to Him and let Him use you. Let Him create in you a right mind and a right spirit!
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