Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm Just Saying! Spirtual Weeds Killers

Have you ever consider yourself gardener?  I use to believe I was a great one.  Years ago I planted a garden and would do varies yard work such as cutting the grass, trimming the edges, thinking I could hang with the best of them.  Then my focus would begin to be distracted with other tasks such as computers, my car, kids, etc.  The lack of effort was quickly seen before my eyes.  My once gorgeous garden was now over taken with smothering weeds, dying flowers and shrubs.  Fixing it was not an option for me because it required too much attention and time.  I would hire someone to come clean up my mess because it was easier.  

As I looked over my yard, I thought how my spiritual life can be like my garden.  If I applied the same method of wanting it, only to forget it or not put in the time and energy to nurture it, my spirit would be overtaken with weeds, shrubs and even death.  I must continue to water it and feed it in order for the garden (my spirit) to grow.  Otherwise it will suffocate.  This is what happens to our faith when we fail to protect Gods word in our inner being.  God provided what we need in scriptures in order for us to deal with spiritual "weeds" .  You see it is written that, "faith, goodness, perseverance, godliness and love blend to protect our spiritual health and well being."  

Whenever I visit Waffle House I order their hash browns smothered, covered, chunked and diced with extra cheese.  Although it taste good all that smothering and covering is surely not good for my cholesterol.  Same thing with the spirit.  Sin may feel good but it is designed to kill the godliness in you.  What am I saying......say in the Word of God, pray, fast, attend church (a bible based church) and allow God to clean out the weeds, the shrubs, and dying flowers (sin) so that you can bloom shinning for the world to see a new brighter you.

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Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm Just Saying! Should Christians Rejoice in the death of Osama?

As I watched television last night, (Celebrity Apprentice, not because of Trump, but to see Ne Ne and Star.) a news bulletin interrupted the best part, the firing!   When I saw the words, OSAMA BIN LADEN DEAD" I sat straight up in my bed.  The media announced that President Obama was to address the nation on Osama's death.  Wow!  I thought!  What a way to stick it to Donald Trump for all the trash talking he's done to our President.  (Glad to know someone close to me thought the same thing!)
I watched the television and saw the reaction of the people at ground zero cheering, celebrating that this man is dead.  I couldn't help but feel uneasy about his demise.  As a Godly woman, I have to look at this from all sides and go before God to make sure my feelings are in check.  He says in his Word, "Don’t rejoice when your enemies fall; don’t be happy when they stumble. For the Lord will be displeased with u & will turn his anger away from them." - Proverbs 24:17-18.  Rejoicing was not option!  I felt bad because Bin Laden has made it clear what his position is and who he worships.  He turned his back on the very God most of us serve.  My soul was uneasy because my mind says he never got it right with God, but who knows, God has a way turning things around when we can't.  Bottom line, I don't know nor can I assume.  I pray!  That is all one can do in this situation.  
Imagine if we, as Christians, take this very stand in what we believe, think how pleasing it would be to God.  When we know that we know what we know about our Heavenly Father, nothing and no one can move us.  Osama believed and lived in what he thought was the truth.  He didn't mind killing innocent people, hurting anyone who got in his way just because his god said to do so.  My God is not about killing, hate, manipulation.  So I ask you, should we rejoice in the death of Osama?  NO!  Do you remember the saying, if you dig a grave for someone, dig two.  One for them and one for you!  Many can say that is exactly what Osama has done!  I say instead of practicing hate and murder, how about we practice what God wants for us.  He wants us to love one another because GOD IS LOVE!  Loving one another means even when your are persecuted, ridicule, stepped on and abused sometimes even in death.  Love!  God loved and forgave some of the very people who killed his son, Jesus Christ.  Why because they believed and repented!
Imagine how God feels.....he loves everyone one of us and even those who don't believe.  Yet he has been mistreated beyond what our eyes and hearts can see and feel.  To know that he actually loved a man who hated his people, killed his people, turned millions even trillion of people away from God is something to think about.  Why should we rejoice in the death of Osama Bin Laden?  WE SHOULDN'T!!!  This is not over!!  We need to see things for what they really are.  Rejoicing in this man's death will only bring more death.  Just as my heart goes out to those who died on 9/11, my heart goes out to his family as well.  They are people just like you and me.  The only difference is their belief, country and culture.  I pray God protects each of us because we will see some hard times ahead of us.  Things we as Americans have never experienced!  Please be careful what you are promoting and demonstrating because you could very well be in a similar or worse scenario.  Just because you are not like based on your country, skin, religion or greed doesn't justify rejoicing in someone's demise.  I'm Just Saying!

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