Friday, October 30, 2009

Random Thoughts...

Do people really belief there is no God? I mean seriously how do they think they wake up, on their own? If that is the case we would have power to resurrect ourselves when we die, better yet we would never die!

Do women really think that leaving nothing to the imagaination is really sexy and not sending the wrong message to our young daughters? What happen to respect for the temple?

Why does it seems that our bothers would degrade our sistahs by exploiting them in rounchy videos and by calling them out of their name? Would they want their mother, aunts, grandmothers or sisters treated like that?

Why do people seem to think that our children are better off being told by the government/state official that if they get chestised for their wrong that it's abuse? What will happen if they fall prey to the system? The courts will want their momma and daddies to step forward. For the record, lock me up cause ima whip my kids!

Where is the churches and school officials who use to be about community awareness with families coming together? You can not use their building unless money or something for them is involved. Don't you know that your suppose to be FOR the community?

Where are the mothers and fathers who put their kids first instead if themselves?

What make a parent think it's cute for their child to be so grown? Let them be kids, they'll have some time to see that being grown ain't all that!

Finally, what happened to customer service? Atittudes are flying in all directions! No one cares bout your needs or wants. Hello..... If you hate your job FIND ANOTHER ONE!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Marriage Works

Someone told my husband and I about a program that would help you with communication tools to enhance your marriage.  I thought that was a group of counselors sitting in a room listening and waiting for all the drama to come out.  I was wrong.  Marriage Works is a organization design to help and keep families together. 
Marriage Works! Ohio is a collaborative effort of diverse organizations united to help build healthy families and healthy communities throughout the Miami Valley of Ohio by providing marriage and relationship education for couples. 
Marriage Works! Ohio is currently funded by a Healthy Marriages Initiative Grant through the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
Marriage Works! Ohio offers a variety of classes and workshops for couples at every stage in their relationships, whether dating, living together, considering marriage, or married.

My husband and I have been taking all the classes offered to us and needless to say I have learned A LOT!  After 19 years of being with him, there was a lot of stuff I didn't know.  They have classes offered as well as one on one sessions with a staff.  Here are a list of some of their classes.
Marriage Enrichment
Visit the Marriage Enrichment page to learn more about classes and workshops if you are currently married.  Read class descriptions and see class schedules for the following classes:

Marriage Preparation
Visit the Marriage Preparation page to learn more about classes and workshops at every stage in your relationship, whether you're seriously dating, engaged, living together, considering marriage, or married!

We have taken advantage of this FREE program.  Yes I said Free!  I am writing about this because society has told us for years it's okay to divorce, it's okay to have affairs, lust after others, break up homes.  It is not okay to NOT give your partner and your relationship every resourceable information out there available.  Take back your marriage, take back the love that was once there but gone, call Marriage Work today.  I promise you it will be worth the ride.  To contact Marriage Works! Ohio
Marriage Works! Ohio
Administrative Office
2201 N. Main Street
Dayton, OH 45405

Phone: (937)262-7010
Marriage Works! Ohio Building
2201 N. Main St. Dayton, OH 45405
Toll-Free: 1-866-Live As 1 (1-866-548-3271)
Fax: (937)278-3163


PS I AM NOT GETTING PAID TO DISCUSS MARRIAGE WORKS but I am working for the Kingdom and spreading His good news.

Information from used by permission.

Living by Faith and Not by Sight

We live by faith, not by sight (II Corinthians 5:7)

How many times we have lived our lives by what we see.  The eyes can be very deceiving.  We need to walk by faith when we make major life decisions.
But what about the little decisions in life?
  • What about: when your husband or father raises his voice at you: How do you respond?
  • Or when you tell your child to take out the trash and he says, “Oh, Dad, why do I have to?”
  • Or a homeless man approaches you, and asks for help?
These aren’t major life decisions. These are day-by-day, hour-by-hour decisions. Life doesn’t seem to hinge on these decisions, as it does on marriage, or accepting a job. So can we walk by sight when making such decisions?

Every decision you make – every big decision, every small decision – is a step of faith or a step based on sight. All the decisions you make – from the decision about what job to take to how you respond to irritation, from the answer you give to a marriage proposal to how you respond to an email – all the decisions you make work together to determine who you are. All your decisions reflect your view of life, your view of God, your view of yourself.
Will you live a life of faith, walking by that faith, trusting God through Jesus Christ? Or will you live a life dependent on your own resources, figuring out how to work all things to your own advantage?
To our eyes, a life of faith seems a lot riskier. To walk by sight seems to make more sense. We see risks, and want to avoid them. We see pleasures, and want to pursue them.
But this chapter – and all of God’s Word – tells us the opposite. When we walk by faith, ultimately we will fulfill all our desires. When we walk by sight, ultimately we lose all we hoped to gain, all we worked for.
There are indeed dangers in the life of faith. There will be pain. But Proverbs 14:32 sums up the ultimate position:
32 The wicked is overthrown through his evildoing, but the righteous finds refuge in his death.
Do you see what this verse says? The wicked may appear powerful; they may appear successful. But in the end they are overthrown. The righteous may suffer – they may even die. But the righteous has refuge even in death. As Jesus said:
If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 35 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it. 36 For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Mark  8:34-36
  • Are you trying to save you life – and thus are well on down the road to losing it?
  • Are you out to gain all the world has to offer – and thus well on the way to forfeiting your life?
God offers you true life – in Jesus Christ. He will satisfy all your deepest desires – for He will give you true joy, true satisfaction, true security, true accomplishment, and true honor.
So see who God is – the source of all good gifts, all true joy. See how He rules the world – with perfect justice, magnifying His glory. And respond:
  • Repent of your sinfulness. Turn from it. Hate it.
  • Repent of your attempts to run your own life.
  • Throw yourself on the mercy of God through Jesus Christ.
  • Trust that His sacrifice on the cross paid the penalty for all your sinfulness.
Look to Him for your joy. And walk by faith, not by sight.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

God's Creation

Have you ever just taken the time to enjoy outdoors?  There is creativity all around us and we never stop to take time and look.  I was riding my motorcycle one night until 2:45 a.m. just basking in God's creation. From the moon, streets, lights, stars, people, vehicles, buildings you name it.  Can you imagine how things will be in the near future, would we live like the movie title, "The Fifth Element"?  I had all sorts of thoughts running through my head.  As me and my friends rode I couldn't help but be grateful of my blessings.  Five years ago I could barely walk.  Doctors was ready to through me away in the "disable" pile.  I fought back but I knew within that God created something inside me that was not meant to be thrown away on some illness.  So I thought different, prepared my mind differently and yes I prayed differently;  for others, for my enemies, church family and myself.  I begin to notice the creation in me and the uniqueness God purposely put in me!  WOW!  Isn't God good!!!  So I rode around just praising him along the ride.  So when the cars that had pulled out in front of us on three different occasions, I PRAISED HIM.  When one of us dropped the bike on the hill, I PRAISED HIM!  When we rode on the bumpiest and the most constructions sites Dayton had to offer, I PRAISED HIM!  When I hit up to 120 mph on the burg and no one just happened to pull out, I REALLY PRAISED HIM!  Not because of those circumstances alone of being safe but because he has trained me to become a better rider and person in his image.   Even after I made sure everyone was home, I rode the long way home.  Saw a man who need some spare change.  I reached in my pocket and gave it to him.  I PRAISE GOD for the opportunity to bless someone regardless of their need for the change.  Thank you Lord for watching over all my biker friends!!!!!  Thank you for allowing me to be your special creation!  Thank you sooooo much for just being able to know you no matter what my circumstances are.

Enough said. 

Be Bless everyone.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Love You

No matter how many times you turn back on me - I Love You!
No matter how many times you allow the enemy to use you, abuse you, mistreat you and others in surrounding. I Love You.
Every time you turn your nose up at the person I send to meet you at your path of crossing, I Love You.
When you refuse to attend service at my house and even at your own, I Love You.
Every curse word,
Every evil thing you have done to someone,
The lies you told,
The hearts you broke,
The gossiping,
The disrespect you have shown to your elders, your parents and even to yourself.
My leaders who are put in place to teach & reach and you turned a deaf ear to them.
Even when you refuse to believe that my son is the only reason why I haven't taken you out yet, I Love You!
Every time you do the very things that hurts me, I bow my head with great sadness because I Love You that much to let you make your OWN decision of where you want to live eternally. I guess you won't be coming with me.
