Monday, April 13, 2009


Many of us can judge what we haven't gone through.  However, I say let God judge and until you live with someone your vote don't count.  If you don't know a person, your vote don't count.  I know who I am as a woman, as a mother, as a woman of God.  Do you know yourself?  Are you living your life to your full potential?  No one will EVER take away my peace.  That included my children.

Okay with said, I have three sons. My oldest one has always been the one who gives no drama, no back talk, and loving towards me.  If he has something bad to say, HE DON'T.  As a man today, he has become selfish, self centered, but yet he is a go getter.  He make sure he has a job no matter what!  He is a caring man who still has room for improvements.  Like we ALL do.

My middle son is very out spoken and disrespectful.  He thinks he can say and do whatever he likes, to me.  His father taught him well.  However, the man his dad is today is not the same man as he was back then.  He is a Godly man who loves unselfishly.  My child has called me out of my name before and has NEVER apologize for it.  This same child has manipulated anyone to get what he want, when he want.  If he didn't want to mind me or do something......he'd play on that and BAM!  He didn't do it.  He wants his ego stroke at all times.  Never one to hear anything bad about himself he will say and do whatever he wants to make sure you are hurt.

Now my youngest........he is a pistol.  Attitude problem, back talker and yes disrespectful yet he is very loving and sensitive and kind hearted.  If you come at him wrong, watch out!  It seems like he does what the majority do.  Never one to take the lead - he follows.  It always seemed like him and the middle son would walk the same line.

All my kids have good things I love about them but I promise you I am getting to the point.  I am not writing this to dog my children but to use them as an example of the many times they have hurt me as their mother.  The bible says to "honor thy mother and father".  Rather one birth, adopt, be a step mom whatever.  Respect is respect.  It also says for parents not to provoke your children......enough said.

Now, when I begged, borrowed, and stole to raise my kids.....I earned my respect!  When I drove clear across town to take them to and from school, when they could have walked home, I earned my respect!  For every time I fought my family, their family, and friends for raising children that were not mine......I earned my respect.  Every time a fight broke out and I stayed to continue to raise them.....I earned my respect.  When I ran all over town just so their dad can get custody of them......I earned my respect!  Every time someone laid their hands on me......I earned my respect!  For every time I was sick, unable to care for me I was still able to care and provide for them......I earned my respect.  When they had no money, no job, used my car endlessly, my home like it was theirs after they got grown.....I earned my respect!  and earned it in many more ways!

So if I want to talk bad about you....I will!  If I want to knock you out.....I will!  If I want to call you trifling when you know you are.....I will!  After all my sweat, tears, work, undying love, sacrifice, commitment, and honor to each and everyone of you.....I will not let any of you talk crazy to me. 

This morning as I was driving to work, I felt compelled to write this blog.  I was praying when God showed me how he provided his Son to be a sacrifice for each and everyone of us on earth.  As the Easter Monday rain falls, I wondered if its God crying for the many people on Earth who refuse to show him respect, honor, love, & be committed to Him.  So as I prayed that my heart don't turn to stone towards my grown children, God let me know he has not turned his heart to stone for the unsaved.  So I changed my prayers to wanting God to bless my children  hearts, their minds, and most importantly their souls.  Leaving the rest to him. 

God gave me so much and if my grown children can't make something out of their life, guess what, it's not my fault.  I raised you and I done it well with all my might.  You are grown now- act like it.  Just as God love me every time I fell and stumbled, I love them the same.  But what I won't do is allow them to tear down my spirit. Respect is not giving - it is earned!  You may not like what I have to say but respect me. I love you just as Christ loves me.


Friday, April 10, 2009

The players game is something that most of us has played or is playing.  No one wants to be played but doesn’t mind being the playa.  The saying, “if its good enough for you, then it’s good enough for me” is one too many female  playas attitude have formed.  Guys just say, “Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.”  Whateva!
I think a playa is a person who wants to be important but are not to those who matter.  That is just my opinion.  I believe if you are a true playa every person in the game will know about the other and will be upfront and direct.  Should the person being played decide to stick it out with the playa then they pay to play.  No fault on the playa.
I think there are some rules that should apply to all playas!!!!
1.  Leave a married person alone.  No matter what their situation is.  God honors marriages and no one outside that union should interfere.
2.  Protect yourself and others and strap it up.  Females carry protection or you will be sorry.
3.  Be honest. Be unselfish.
4.  Your best friend mate is off limits.  If you are a playa you should be able to pull anyone beside someone closes to your friend.
5.  No ex family members!  That only makes you a dogg!
6.  Never take one of the played to a spot where another played will be.  You not only a dummy but your playa card should be revoked.
7.  Schedule your time wisely. 
8.  Have fun!
With that said, know that you to can become the played at any time.  Play fair and play safe.